Tulips | Roses | Sunflowers  


The tulip is a perennial, bulbous plant with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, of which ca 75 wild species are currently accepted and which belongs to the family Liliaceae.

Parrot Tulip

Parrot Tulip image

Parrot Tulips have petals that are feathered, curled, twisted, or waved. Besides this, the flowers are very large and brightly coloured. Notice the interesting, rather random colouring of individual petals in the two images below. The colour ranges from bright red, through yellow, to almost black petals have an irregular, three-dimensional fringe along their upper edge, as well as occasional projections of various sizes that emanate from their outer edges.
Viewed from behind, the smooth green stem supports the base of the flower. In fact, the stem is the weak point of many parrot tulip varieties, as it is often too weak to support the fully open flower. For this reason, many parrot tulips are suitable only as cut flowers. Text from this site.