Video Demo files for Lecture 9


Flash files (with video index) that can be viewed in Browser:
Download Lecture Handout to see textual summary of individual steps.
Create Simple Text Button in Flash:
Step1a: Insert Button Symbol; Create Shape and Text for "Up" State; Use Gradient Transform Tool; Insert Keyframes in "Over", "Down" and "Hit" States (10:58)
Step1b: Customize "Over", "Down" and "Hit" States; Edit Gradient using Colors Panel; Simple Button Enabled (5:52)
Create Animated Button in Flash and Insert in Web Page:
Step2a: Insert Image; Create Graphic Symbol; Scale Image Precisely (3:50)
Step2b: Insert MovieClip Symbol; Fade-In and Scale Instance of Graphic Symbol in MovieClip using Classic Tween (4:05)
Step2c: Insert Button Symbol; Create Text for "Up", "Over" and "Down"; Create Layer for Image and Place Instance of Image Animation in "Over" (5:22)
Step2d: Insert Static Image in "Down" and Make Sure that Animation in "Over" and Image in "Down" are Perfectly Placed (4:54)
Step2e: Attach ActionScript "stop ();" to Last Frame in Animation; Specify "Hit" Area in Button (4:35)
Step3: Attach ActionScript "on (release) { getURL(URLstring, "_self"); } to Instance of Button; Fix ActionScript and Update SWF file (7:18)
Step4: Insert SWF file into Dreamweaver file; JavaScript files to be uploaded (7:00)