Video Capture files for Lecture 3


Flash files (with video index) that can be viewed in Browser:
Step 1 : FTP in Dreamweaver (set up Local / Remote Site)
Step 2 : Good Housekeeping (Page Properties, Ruler, Grid)
Step 3 : Layout Mode in Studio 8, Layout Table & Cell, Add Text & Format
Step 3a : Layout Mode in CS3 (only major difference between Studio 8 & CS3)
Step 4 : Create Simple Navigation Structure
Step 5 : Create & Format Text
Step 6a : Capture, Edit & Export Screenshots in Fireworks
Step 6b : Insert Screenshots in Dreamweaver
Step 7 : Upload Files to Remote Site


AVI files: Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step5 | Step 6 | Step 7
(Right click on a hyperlink and select "Save Target As" in dial og)
CS3 specific addition: Step 3a
(how to access the Layout Mode)
If you can't play the AVI files in your video player, please download the Camtasia Player