
The Mystery of the Youth Services Librarian

These next few pages are meant to be visual representations of the topics of my website: YS librarians as... explorers, educators, builders, designers, gardeners, and detectives. The first page is an introduction of the mystery theme which will then be followed by the various "disguises" YS librarians can have. I will briefly comment on my ideas about the introduction page, and let you use your own imagination on what I was thinking for the subsequent pages:

Introduction Page:

  • Each image is either a representation of the mystery theme or a symbol of the YS librarian. I put all of these images together in order to show the connection between the two themes.
  • If you look at the bottom left picture (which is in a photoframe because most detectives work with photographs), you'll notice that the librarian is looking up towards the title and the magnifying glass.
  • The magnifying glass in the top left is pointing towards the center picture of the YS librarian (who is mysteriously covering her face with a book). I was hoping that these pictures would help guide the eye.
  • The child on the books is meant to emphasize the focus on YOUTH SERVICES librarianship.
  • Finally, the main questions this website focuses on is who are YS librarians? and What do they do? (I used a darker color for the words, hoping that the emphasis will not be on them...)

Animated Introduction to Website

This flash animation is also meant to be an introduction to the website. It gives the user an idea of what the theme of the website is before they enter it. It presents the case that we are trying to solve, the clues we will be using in order to solve it, and finally it gives the user a choice of which YS librarian disguise they would like to wear in order to solve the case.