Home Tradition Revolution Introspection Connection Exploration
(For this section, I'm hoping to have a sort of 'spot the differences' game with two similar but not completely identical images, with each of the discrepancies focusing on an aspect of librarianship that is worth pursuing in the 21st Century. For instance: two very similar pictures of a library, but one has a Kindle on one of the desks instead of an open paperback book; when the user clicks on the Kindle, up pops a window enthusing on how digital formats assist us in the preservation/provision of information by allowing us unprecendented freedom and flexibility. A map of the U.S.A. on the wall in one picture is a map of the World in the other, and when the user clicks on the map, he sees a pop-up on how libraries can reach a far more widespread community now than ever before -- the Internet allows us to shuffle off geographical boundaries and touch the world. So on and so forth, though pop-ups may not be the best way to go about it, since they can be pretty annoying. Ideally I'd wish to create something like this, but I realize that technically speaking, that might be a bit out of reach. *g* I have friends who are great artists, so hopefully I can get one of them to draw this for me -- keeping fingers crossed! Otherwise, of course, there is always Photoshop cut & paste.)