multilingual access


multilingual access

english used to be the lingua franca of the web,
but the more popular the Internet is,
the more languages one can find there

searching the web and retrieving just English
that would be really a poor harvest

the work on more powerful search mechanism that allow access to documents in variety of languages is in progress

cross-language evaluation forum (clef)- a site where are published results of the european research on multilingual access
available reports of clef

ann schumelda okerson - associate university librarian
for collections and technical services, yale university
her site on electronic collection development contains many useful resources many of them on access issues

Djoerd Hiemstra - teaches at university at twente
his home page contains links to multimedia databases, digital libraries, cross-language information retrieval and his own articles

Doug Oard - researcher at university of maryland
his site contains a very comprehensive list of all possible resources on access and language

finnish information retrieval expert group - this is a very experimental group, but their research is amazing and the category researchers makes available a lot of their articles

the issues
multilingual access