Exercise 5 Summary

Animation #1

The theme of my final project is "hand-made meets high-tech," so I tried to bring that out in both of the animations I created. The first animation is meant to introduce the primary navigation category "Create," which is about the resources librarians can create for art researchers using online resources. I used the text and images, many of which I made by hand and scanned, to drive home the theme of creativity and how librarians can create useful projects on their own. Links at the end of the animation lead to the secondary navigation pages. Link to Animation #1

Animation #2

My second animation also uses hand-made pictures in addition to screencaps of online pictures to tell a story for the "Educate" primary navigation category. This animation is about the different challenges, limitations, and possibilities of researching on computers vs. print materials. Links at the end of the animation lead to the secondary navigation pages. Link to Animation #2