Bibliography of Government Documents on Japanese Internment


Jill M. Borin



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Congressman Anderson of California speaking for “Resolutions of the Japanese –American Citizens

League.”  77th Cong., 1st sess., Congressional Record Appendix  (14 April 1941) 87, pt.11: A1683-A1684.


U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Senator Thomas of Utah Speaking for “The Japanese-American Creed.”  77th Cong., 1st sess.,

Congressional Record Appendix  (9 May1941) 87, pt.11: A2205. 


U.S.  Bureau of the Census.  9 December 1941. Japanese Population of the United States, Its Territories and Possessions. 

Bureau of the Census, Washington D.C.  [Used 1940 Census Data]  in U.S.  Department of Commerce.  Bureau of the Census.  Census of Population: Characteristics of the Nonwhite Population by Race, 1940.

[This census included many tables that would have aided the government in identifying where Japanese residents lived:  Table33-Japanese Population by Age, Nativity, and Sex, for Selected States, Urban and Rural, and for Selected Cities: 1940; Table 34- Japanese Population 15 Years Old and Over, by Marital Status, Age, Nativity, and Sex, for Selected States, Urban and Rural, and for Selected Cities: 1940.]


President.  Proclamation.  “Conduct to be Observed by Alien Enemies-Japanese, Proclamation 2525,” Federal Register 6, no.

239 (10 December 1941): 6321-6323.  Microfilm. [FDR announced this proclamation on 7 December 1941.]



President.  Proclamation.  “Amending Proclamations Relating to Alien Enemies, Proclamation 2533,” Federal Register 7, no. 2

(3 January 1942): 55. [FDR announced this proclamation on 29 December 1941.]


President.  Proclamation.  “Regulations Pertaining to Alien Enemies, Proclamation 2537,” Federal Register 7, no. 12 (17

January 1942): 329. [FDR announced this proclamation on 14 January 1942.]


U.S. Congress.  House.  Congressman Sheppard of California speaking for a resolution to protect White citizens from

Japanese residents of California. 77th Cong., 2nd sess.  Congressional Record.  (18 February 1942) 88, pt. 1: 1412-1413. [Includes text of article: Lippmann, Walter.  1942.  “The Fifth Column on the Coast.” Washington Post, 12 February.]


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Congressman Costello of California speaking about “Removing the Japanese Menace.”  77th Cong.,

2nd sess.  Congressional Record Appendix.  (23 February 1942) 88, pt. 8: A653-A654. 

[Includes text of Los Angeles Mayor Fletcher Bowron’s radio address on February 19, 1942.]


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Congressman Rankin of Mississippi speaking for “Concentration Camps for Japanese.”  77th 

Cong., 2nd sess. Congressional Record Appendix. (23 February 1942) 88, pt. 8: A768-A796.


U.S. Congress.  House.  Congressman Welch of California speaking about “The Alien Transfer Problem.”  77th Cong., 2nd

sess.  Congressional Record Appendix. (23 February 1942), 88, pt. 8: A663. 

[Includes text of editorial:  “The Alien Transfer Problem,” San Francisco News, 16 February 1942.]


President.  Executive Order. “Authorizing the Secretary of War to Prescribe Military Areas, Executive Order 9066.”  Federal

Register 7, no. 38 (25 February 1942): 1407.  Microfilm. [FDR announced this executive order on 19 February 1942.]


Canada.  War Measures Act: An Act to Confer Certain Powers on the Governor in Council in the Event of War, Invasion or

Insurrection.  Statutes of Canada.  1942. [Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, Vol. III, c. W-2.]


U.S. Congress.  House.  Congressman Angell of Oregon speaking for “Immediate Action Necessary in Coping with Japanese

Menace on Pacific Coast.” 77th Cong., 2nd sess.  Congressional Record. (3 March 1942) 88, pt. 2: 1 916-1917.


U.S. Congress.  House.  Congressman Hinshaw of California speaking about “The Japanese Situation on the West Coast.” 

77th Cong., 2nd sess.  Congressional Record. (7 March 1942) 88, pt. 2: 2032.


U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Committee on Military Affairs.  Providing Penalty for Violation of Restrictions or Orders with

Respect to Persons Entering, Remaining in, or Leaving Military Areas or Zones.  (16 March 1942)  Senate Report 1171, 77th Cong., 2nd sess., 1942. [Senate Miscellaneous Reports II.]


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on Military Affairs.  Providing a Penalty for Violation of Restrictions or Orders with

Respect to Persons Entering, Remaining in, Leaving, or Committing any Act in Military Areas or Zones.  (17 March 1942)  House Report 1906.  77th Cong., 2nd sess., 1942.  [House Miscellaneous Reports II.] 


U.S. Congress.  Senate.  Senator Reynolds of North Carolina speaking for S. 2352 “To Provide a Penalty for Violation of

Restrictions or Orders with Respect to Persons Entering, Remaining In, Leaving or committing any act in Military Areas or Zones.”  77th Cong., 2nd sess.  Congressional Record. (19 March 1942) 88, pt. 2: 2722-2726.


President.  Executive Order. “Establishing the War Relocation Authority in the Executive Office of the President and Defining

its Functions and Duties, Executive Order 9102.” Federal Register 7, no. 55 (20 March 1942): 2165.  Microfilm.


Violation of Military Restrictions Act.  U.S. Statues at Large 56 (1942): 173. [Public Law 503 was approved on 21 March

1942 by the 77th Cong., 2nd sess.]



U.S.  Department of War.  Western Defense Command and Fourth Army.  “Military Areas Nos. 1 and 2 Designated and

Established, Public Proclamation No. 1,” Federal Register 7 (26 March 1942): 2320.  Microfilm. [This proclamation was announced on 2 March 1942.]


U.S.  Department of War.  Western Defense Command and Fourth Army.  “Establishment of Military Areas 3, 4, 5, And 6.,

Public Proclamation No. 2,” Federal Register 7 (28 March 1942): 2405.  Microfilm.  [This proclamation was announced on 16 March 1942.]


U.S. Congress.  House.  Select Committee Investigating National Defense Migration.  Fourth Interim Report of the Committee

Investigating National Defense Migration: Findings and Recommendations on Evacuation of Enemy Aliens and Others from Prohibited Military Zones. (13 March 1942)  House Report 2124. 77th Cong., 2nd sess., 1942.  [National Defense Migration.]


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Executive Office of the President.  Supplemental Estimate of Appropriation for The Executive Office

of the President:  Communication From the President of the United States Transmitting Supplemental Estimate on Appropriation for the Executive Office of the President, Office for Emergency Management, for the Fiscal Year 1943, in the Amount of $70,000,000 to cover the Expenses of the War Relocation Authority in Performing the Functions placed upon it by Executive Order No. 9102.   (9 June 1942)  House Document 780.  77th Cong., 2nd sess., 1942.  [House Miscellaneous Documents II]


U.S. Congress.  Senate.  Committee on Immigration.  Custody of Japanese Residing in the United States.  (18 June 1942) 

Senate Report 1496.  77th Cong., 2nd sess., 1942.  [Senate Miscellaneous Reports IV]


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Congressman Coffee of Washington speaking about “The Japanese Menace to the Pacific

Northwest.”  77th Cong., 2nd sess. Congressional Record Appendix.  (22 July 1942) 88, pt. 9: A2903-A2904.  [Includes text of editorial: Japs and Alaska,” and letter by C. K Wintler. Japs in Aleutians,” Tacoma Daily News Tribune.]


U.S. Congress.  House.  Congressman Ford of California reporting on “Visit to Japanese Evacuation Camps.” 77th Cong., 2nd

sess.  Congressional Record.  (10 December 1942) 88, pt. 7: 9449-9452.



U.S.  Executive Office of the President.  Office for Emergency Management.  War Relocation Authority.  (May 1943)  Relocation of Japanese Americans.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1943.


U.S.  Executive Office of the President.  Office for Emergency Management.  War Relocation Authority.  (May 1943)  The

Relocation Program: A Guidebook for Residents of Relocation Centers.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1943.


U.S.  Supreme Court.  Hirabayashi v. United States. (Decided 21 June 1943) 320 U.S. Reports. 81,1943.


U.S.  Supreme Court.  Yasui v. United States. (Decided 21 June 1943) 320 U.S. Reports. 115, 1943.


U.S.  Department of War.  Final Report: Japanese Evacuation for the West Coast 1942. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1943.


U.S. Congress.  House.  Special Committee on Un-American Activities.  Report and Minority Views of the Special

Committee on Un-American Activities on Japanese War Relocation Centers.  (30 September 1943).  House Report 717.  78th Cong.  1st sess., 1943.  [House Miscellaneous Reports IV.]



U.S.  Department of the Interior.  “War Relocation Authority,” in Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal

Year Ended June 30, 1944.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1944., XXXIII-XXXIV; 279-293.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  (August 1944)  New Neighbors Among Us.  Washington, D.C.:

GPO, 1944.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  When you Leave the Relocation Center.  Washington, D.C.:

GPO, 1944.


U.S.  Supreme Court.  Ex Parte Mitsuye Endo, (Decided 18 December 1944) 323 U.S. Reports 283.  1944.


U.S.  Supreme Court.  Korematsu v. United States. (Decided 18 December 1944) 323 U.S. Reports 214.  1944.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  “War Relocation Authority,” in Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal

Year Ended June 30, 1945.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1945, 275-290.



U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  Administrative Highlights of the WRA Program.  Washington,

D.C.: GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  Community Government in War Relocation Centers. 

Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  The Evacuated People: A Quantitative Description. 

Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  Impounded People: Japanese Americans in the Relocation

Centers.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  Legal and Constitutional Phases of the WRA Program. 

Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  The Relocation Program.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  WRA: A Story of Human Conservation.   Washington, D.C.:

GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  Wartime Exile: The Exclusion of the Japanese Americans from

the West Coast.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  The Wartime Handling of Evacuee Property.  Washington, D.C.:

GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  War Relocation Authority.  War Agency Liquidation Unit.  People in Motion: The Postwar

Adjustment of the Evacuated Japanese Americans.   Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  “War Relocation Authority,” in Annual Report of the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal

Year Ended June 30, 1946.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1946.



U.S. Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Creating an Evacuation Claims Commission.  (26 July 1946).  House

Report 2679.  79th Cong., 2nd sess., 1945. [House Miscellaneous Reports V]


U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Administration of Alien Property.  (26 July 1946).  Senate Report

1839.  79th Cong., 2nd sess., 1945.  [Senate Miscellaneous Reports IV.]



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Authorizing the Attorney General to Adjudicate Certain Claims

Resulting from Evacuation of Certain Persons of Japanese Ancestry under Military Orders.  (27 June 1947)  House Report 732.  80th Cong., 1st sess., 1947. [House Miscellaneous Reports IV]


Japanese Evacuation Claims Act.  U.S. Statues at Large 62 (1948): 1231-1233. [Public Law 886 was approved on 2 July

1948 by the 80th Cong., 2nd sess.]


Alien Enemy Property Claims Act.  U.S. Statues at Large 63 (1949): 12-13. [Public Law 17 was approved on 17 March

1949 by the 81st Cong., 1st sess.]



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Authorizing the Settlement by the Attorney General and the Payment of

Certain Claims Filed under the Act of July, 1948, By Persons of Japanese Ancestry Evacuated under Military Orders. 

(24 May 1951)  House Report 496.  82nd Cong., 1st sess., 1951.  [House Miscellaneous Reports II.]


U.S. Congress.  Senate.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Compromise and Settlement of Japanese Evacuation Claims.  (30 July

1951)  Senate Report 601.  82nd Cong., 1st sess., 1951.    [Senate Miscellaneous Reports III.]


Japanese Evacuation Claims Act.  U.S. Statues at Large.  65 (1951): 192. [Public Law 116 was approved on 17 August

1951 by the 82nd Cong., 1st sess.]


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Subcommittee no. 5.  Japanese-American Evacuation Claims: Hearings

before Subcommittee no. 5 of the Committee on the Judiciary on H.R. 7435 to Amend the Japanese-American Evacuation Claims Act of 1948. August 30-31, September 1-3, 1954.  83rd Cong., 2nd sess, 1954. [The hearings were held in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California.]


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Japanese-American Evacuation Claims Act.  (23 February 1956) 

House Report 1809.  84th Cong., 2nd sess, 1956.  [House Miscellaneous Reports on Public Bills.]



U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Amending the Japanese-American Evacuation Claim Act of 1948, to

Expedite Final Determination of the Claims.  (5 June 1956)  Senate Report 2132.  84th Cong., 2nd sess., 1956.

            [Senate Miscellaneous Reports on Public Bills.]


U.S.  Department of Justice.  Adjudications of the Attorney General of the United States, Volume 1: Precedent Decisions

under the Japanese-American Evacuation Claims Act, 1950-1956.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1956.



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Congressman Pryor of Arkansas speaking for a “Tribute to our Japanese Americans.”  91st Cong.,

2nd sess.  Congressional Record  (27 January 1970) 116, pt. 1:1477-1479. 


U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Senator Magnuson speaking about “Nisei: The Quiet Americans.”  91st Cong., 2nd sess. 

Congressional Record  (19 March 1970) 116, pt. 6:8052-8054.


U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  To Establish a Commission to Gather Facts to Determine Whether any Wrong was Committed

against those American Citizens and Permanent Resident Aliens Affected by Executive Order 9066, and for Other Purposes.  (2 August 1979)  Senate Bill 1647.  96th Cong., 1st sess., 1979.  in Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians Act: Hearing Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs on S. 1647 (18 March 1980)  96th Cong., 2nd sess., 1980.



U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Committee on Governmental Affairs.  Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of

Civilians Act: Hearing Before the Committee on Governmental Affairs on S. 1647.  (18 March 1980)  96th Cong., 2nd sess., 1980.


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations. 

Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the Committee on the Judiciary on H.R. 5499 to Establish the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians; to Provide for Payment to Certain Individuals of Japanese Ancestry who were Interned, Detained, or Forcibly Relocated by the United States During World War II.  (2 June 1980)  96th Cong., 2nd sess., 1980.


Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians Act.  U.S. Statutes at Large.  94 (1980): 964-967. 

            [Public Law 317 was approved on 31 July 1980 by the 96th Cong., 2nd sess.]


U.S.  Committee of the Judiciary.  Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment

of Civilians.  Washington, D.C.: GPO: December 1982 and June 1983.  [Also published commercially with same title by The Civil Liberties Public Education Fund and University of Washington Press,1997.] 


U.S.  Congress.   Senate.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure.  Japanese

Evacuation Redress: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Administrative Practice and Procedure of the Committee on the Judiciary on S. 1520 The World War II Civil Liberties Violations Redress Act, and Reports on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians.  (27 July 1983)  98th cong., 1st sess., 1983.


U.S.  District Court, N.D. California.  Korematsu v. United States. (Decided 19 April 1984) 584 Federal Supplement 1406,



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations. 

Japanese-American and Aleutian Wartime Relocation: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the Committee on the Judiciary on H.R. 3387, H.R. 4110 and H.R. 4322.  June 20-27 and September 12, 1984.  98th Cong., 2nd sess., 1984.    


U.S. District Court, W.D. Washington.  Hirabayashi v. United States.  (Decided 10 February 1986) 627 Federal Supplement

1445, 1986.


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations. 

Legislation to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the Committee on the Judiciary on H.R. 442, The Civil Liberties Act, and H.R. 1631, The Aleutian and Pribilof Island Restitution Act.  (29 April 1987)  100th Cong., 1st sess., 1987. 


Civil Liberties Act.  U.S. Statutes at Large.  102 (1988): 903-916. [Public Law 383 was approved on 10 August 1988 by the

100th Cong., 22nd sess.  This law also included the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands Restitution Act.]



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.  Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands. 

Japanese-American Historic Landmarks:  Hearing Before the Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs on H.R. 543, to establish the Manzanar National Historic Site in the State of California and for other Purposes, and H.R. 2351, to Authorize A Study of Nationally Significant Places in Japanese-American History.  (21 May 1991)  102nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1991.


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.  Establishing the Manzanar National Historic Site in the

State of California and for other Purposes.  (24 June 1991)  House Report 125.  102nd Cong., 1st sess., 1991.  Serial 14075.  [Serial Set- House Reports.]


U.S. Congress.  Senate.  Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.  Establishing the Manzanar National Historic Site in

the State of California and for other Purposes.    (23 November 1991)  Senate Report 236.  102nd Cong., 1st sess.,

1991.  Serial 14051.  [Serial Set- Senate Reports.]



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations. 

Amendments to the Civil Liberties Act of 1988: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations of the Committee on the Judiciary on H.R. 4511, H.R. 4553 and H.R. 4570.  (26 March 1992) 102nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1992.


U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on House Administration.  Authorizing the Go For Broke National Veterans Association

Foundation to Establish a Memorial in the District of Columbia or its Environs to Honor Japanese American Patriotism in World War II.  (27 July 1992)  House Report 727.  102nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1992.Serial 14134.  [Serial Set-House Reports.]


U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Committee on Governmental Affairs.  Civil Liberties Act Amendments of 1992.  (8 September

1992)  Senate Report 394.  102nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1992.  Serial 14099.  [Serial Set- 14099.]


U.S.  Court of Appeals.  Ishida v. United States.  (Decided 6 July 1995.)  59 Federal Reporter, 3rd Series 1224, 1995.   


U.S.  Department of Justice.  Proposed Rule.  “Redress Provisions for Persons of Japanese Ancestry.”  Federal Register 61,

no. 78 (22 April 1996): 17667.  Online via GPO Access.


U.S.  Department of Justice.  Final Rule.  “Redress Provisions for Persons of Japanese Ancestry:  Guidelines for Individuals

who Relocated to Japan as Minors During World War II.”  Federal Register 61, no. 190 (30 September 1996):

51008.  Online via GPO Access.


U.S.  Department of the Interior.  National Park Service.  The Evacuation and Relocation of Persons of Japanese Ancestry

During World War II: A Historical Study of the Manzanar War Relocation Center.  Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1996.


U.S.  Department of Justice.  Final Rule.  “Redress Provisions for Persons of Japanese Ancestry:  Guidelines under Ishida v.

United States.”  Federal Register 62, no. 79 (24 April 1997): 19928.  Online via GPO Access.


U.S. Congress.  House.  Congressman Underwood of Guam speaking about “Remembering the Japanese-American

Internment.”  105th Cong., 2nd sess.  Congressional Record.  (11 February 1998) 144, pt. 10: E129.



U.S.  Congress.  House.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Wartime Parity and Justice Act of 2001.  (14 February 2001)  House

Bill 619.  107th Cong., 2nd sess., 2001.  [Online via]


 U.S.  Congress.  Senate.  Committee on the Judiciary.  Wartime Parity and Justice Act of 2001.   (25 July 2001)  Senate Bill

1237.  107th Cong., 2nd sess., 2001.   [Online via]

























