User Interfaces and Info Technologies For PEOPLE ...

Why user interfaces are important in the e-environment? What the ultimate goals of information technologies are?

MiPad is a speech powered prototype to simplify interactive communication between users and handheld devices. Users use speech and pen together in a novel way to control a handheld computer for commands and dictation. The prototype device enables users to accomplish many common tasks using speech recognition, natural-language processing and wireless-data technologies.

The reason why I chose this video clip is that my research interests have been in effective and efficient user interfaces built around information technologies and users' cognitive factors. One of main goals in HCI is to make interacting with the computer as natural and easy as interacting with a person. The video shows that information technologies enable people to access information any time, any place, on any device with minimum cognitive loads. IT advances very fast and sometimes the fact makes people fear but there has been and will be IT only for people.