


...your work has a double particularity because it attempts to present a general interpretation of twentieth-century European history,and because
it was not ignored but attacked by silence and excommunication.
... As a historian, I have always found myself revisiting the historiography of the question I wish to research.

François Furet (1927-1997)
in a letter to Emil Nolte from 24 June 1996
quoted from François Furet and Ernst Nolte: Fascism and Communism, with a preface by Tzvetan Todorov. Lincoln and London (University of Nebraska Press) 2001, 98 p., p. 32

the issues
multilingual access

there are not any types of censorship
censorship is just one
regardless of intentions or political beliefs
digital libraries offer plurality
it is everyone's responsibility to make sense
out of the presented facts
librarians are not more fit to do that than others

electronic frontier foundation (eef) - media releases and resources on intellectual property, privacy, free speech, censorship, governmental mismanagement all on one site

american library association - the advocacy page supplies links and contacts for various issues: access to information, censorship, on-line behaviour, and also guidelines for a genuine grass-root movement

index on censorship - once you write on censorship for thirty years then you see it everywhere, but still it is a good source
to read does not mean to stop thinking

chilling effects - joint project of the eef and harvard, stanford, berkeley, and university of san francisco law school clinics - contains some interesting resource - watches behaviour on the net - the scientology vs. google has really made it known