Video Capture files for Lecture 10


Flash files (with video index) that can be viewed in Browser:
Step 1a : Create Button Symbol and Specify "UP" State
Step 1b
: Create and Modify Gradient Effect for Fill Color
Step 1c
: Customize "Over" and "Down" States of Button; Test Movie
Step 2a
: Create Animated Bitmap with Transparency (Alpha) Effects
Step 2b
: Create Animated Button; Test Movie; Assign Actionscript "stop ();" to Frame
Step 2c : Create "Down" State for Animated Button
Step 3 : Attach "getURL" Actionscript to Instance of Button; Test Movie
Step 4 : Insert SWF of Simple Text Button into Layout Cell in Dreamweaver


AVI files:Step 1a |Step 1b | Step 1c | Step 2a | Step 2b | Step 2c | Step 3 | Step 4
(Right click on a hyperlink and select "Save Target As" in dialog)
If you can't play the AVI files in your video player, please download the Camtasia Player.