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social and recreational

Web 2.0 offers a variety of social options all online. Librarians now maintain blogs, Twitter accounts, Facebook profiles, Wiki pages, and much more. In addition, eReaders, Second Life, online gaming, streaming films have all become a part of library services.


Blogs: The New York Public Library is just one example of the many libraries that now produce interesting blogs.

Twitter: Many libraries, including the Seattle Public Library, maintain active Twitter accounts.

Facebook: The British Library is just one of many that keeps fans up-to-date on the latest news.

Wikis: Many libraries, including the Grand Rapids Public Library, provide comprehensive and sometimes interactive wiki pages for their patrons.

View the online communities page for a few more examples.


Second Life: The virtual world, second life, has its own libraries and librarians.

Digital Collections: Librarians are continuously creating and expanding digital collections of ebooks and media for library patrons.

Tumblr: Many libraries now offer fun, easy-to-follow Tumblr accounts.