Exercises & Project for Information Technologies for Libraries and Information Agencies

On-campus and Online

Important Note: individual instructors of a 550 course section may make slight changes to the content of the assignments and/or their respective percentage of course grade. What is presented here provides you with a clear sense what you will be asked to do in the assignments.

Discussions (7.5% of Course Grade)

Discussions will be conducted online, either using Sakai or eCollege, because the online format leads to everybody contributing and better comprehension of the content. There will be three graded discussions and the section instructor will provide more specific discussion instructions.

Quizzes (7.5% of Course Grade)

Quizzes will be "open book" to help you to check your understanding of key technical concepts and facts. Quizzes will be accessible via eCollege or Sakai.

Exercise 1: Web Services and Wiki – Collaborate and Create Wiki Page with Widgets (10% of Course Grade)

Exercise 2: HTML – Create Information Resource (10% of Course Grade)

For a topic of your choice, create an information resource that consists of web pages that contain text, images and hyperlinks.

Exercise 3: CSS & Multimedia Basics – Enhance Information Resource with CSS & Multimedia (15% of Course Grade)

For a topic of your choice (can be the same as for Exercise 2), you need to create a navigation structure that has a clear "you are here" indicator and at least three pages that require no scrolling. These pages will be integrated into the project site.

Exercise 4: Open Source, Forms & JavaScript – Identify & Evaluate Open Source Info Tech Tool, Create Form and Validate with JavaScript (15% of Course Grade)

The goal of this assignment is to identify and evaluate open-source info tech tool that is being or can be used in libraries. Two pages with a navigation structure need to be created. The first page contains the open-source evaluation and at least two image rollovers; the second page contains a form that that asks page visitors for information related to the open source tool being reviewed. The evaluation needs to be written as a concise report that could be used by a library director or person in charge of tech development at a library to help them decide whether to adopt the tool that you have identified. The two pages of this exercise will be integrated into the project site.

Exercise 5: MySQL and PHP Basics Create Form and PHP Page to Record Form Data in MySQL Table and to Display Form Data (15% of Course Grade)

In this assignment, you will select 10 of the info technologies / tools that have been covered in this class to collect feedback from page visitors via a form that consists of 10 sets of radio buttons. You will decide what question you want to ask page visitors and what the five point scale of a set radio buttons represents. You will need to create a MySQL table that stores the data submitted for the 10 tools. The form data needs to be validated and then posted to a PHP page that submits the “cleansed” data to a MySQL database. The PHP page will also display whether the data has been successfully recorded in the MySQL table and the current sum and average of the scores recorded. The code for this exercise will be used in the project site.

Term Project: Dynamic Web – Create Dynamic Website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL (20% of Course Grade)

The term project brings together what has been covered in this course and what you have practiced in the exercises to create at least 8 HTML pages and at least 1 PHP page.

Important: section instructor may add further requirements for the project and inform you what they will be.