Lectures for Information Technologies for Libraries and Information Agencies

On-campus and Online

Week 1 - Introduction | Social Software Tools | Multimedia Basics



  • Intro (4:48)
  • Course Overview  (9:25) Course Goals, Exercises, Project and Example, In a nutshell.
  • Course Website (5:36) Gameplan, Schedule, Requirements, Exercises, Lectures: how best to search, LyndaCampus & Login.
  • Software Tools (4:14) Google Accounts, Wiki - PBworks, Multimedia Resources.
  • Multimedia Basics  (2:36) Image formats.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex1 and throughout the course.


Note: Content of this LyndaCampus course has changed in a major and the earlier videos mentioned in Lec 1 - Intro are not available anymore.


Download: Handout


Google Account: Site | Wikipedia

  • Wiki (collaboration)

Wiki in Plain English by Common Craft

Wiki: Wikipedia | Tools: MediaWiki | PBworks

Wikipedia is a Wiki: Wikipedia video by Common Craft


Wiki tool used in this class: PBworks

Multimedia Basics - Images | Audio | Video

  • Search for “Free Image Format Converter”"
  • Google
  • Format Converters
  • Zamzar (need to provide email address)
  • Search for “Free Image Editor”:
  • Google
  • Image Editors
  • pixlr: free Browser based image editor (will use in class)
  • PicMonkey (created by some Picnik developers)
  • Gimp
  • Search for “Free Audio Format Converter”:
  • Google
  • Format Converters
  • Zamzar (need to provide email address)
  • Search for “Free Video Format Converter”:
  • Google
  • Video Converters
  • Zamzar (need to provide email address)


  • Library & Information Technology

LITA Top Tech Trends Annual (2014 06/29/14)

  • Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
  • Blog

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Week 2 - Web Services | RSS, XML and Metadata



Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex1 and throughout the class.


  • Ex1 Demos
  • Locate RSS Feed (3:43) How to find RSS Feed for website or blog and copy its RSS URL.
  • Flickr + Pixlr (4:46) How to find images on flickr.com with a Creative Commons license and to use Pixlr to scale and crop images.
  • Jing (4:28) How to use Jing to do screen capture and create screencasts and upload them to screencast.com.
  • Google Spreadsheet (3:32) How to create a Google Spreasheet and set the sharing settings.
  • Widgets (4:06) How to create Screencast widget and embed in a Wiki page.
  • Screencast Embed Code (1:24) How to find embed code for a screencast.
  • Google Drive Essential Training (LyndaCampus): Getting Started, Working with Files, Working with Spreadsheets, Collaborating with Google Docs.


Download: Handout


Web Services - Screencasting | Surveys | Google Drive, Docs and Gadgets

  • Screencasting

  • Survey
  • Search for “Free Survey Tool
  • Google
  • Googles Drive, Docs & Gadgets    Create and share your work online

Google Docs in Plain English by Common Craft

Google Drive: Site | Wikipedia | Blog | Overview | Help

  • Cloud storage, file sharing and collaborative editing service


Google Docs: Site | Wikipedia | Overview | Help


Google Gadgets: Site | Wikipedia


Google Charts

Google Maps

RSS | XML | MetaData

  • RSS = Real Simple Syndication to Pull Web and New content into One Place

RSS in Plain English by Common Craft

RSS: Wikipedia | Digital Shift RSS

  • How to View Source Code in Browser
  • IE: Page > View Source
  • Firefox: Tools > Web Developer > Page Source
  • Safari: View > View Source
  • Chrome: Page > Developer > View Souce
  • XML = EXtensible Markup Language to pepresent data structures and documents

Why XML? by Sunlight Foundation

Other Videos

XML: Wikipedia

Key Concepts

  • XML document is a string of characters. Almost every legal Unicode character may appear in an XML document.
  • XML parser processes XML document
  • Markup and Content: characters of XML document are divided into markup and content.
  • Markup = begin "<" end with ">", or begin with "&" end with ";".
  • Content = characters which are not markup.
  • XML specification defines an XML document as a text which is well-formed if it satisfies list of syntax rules provided in specification.
  • XML document may be valid.
  • XML contains reference to Document Type Definition (DTD)
    A DTD is an example of a schema or grammar.


Metadata Universe Visualization by Jenn Riley at Indiana University provides overview of large number of metadata standards used in cultural heritage.

Metadata: Wikipedia

Video for Fun: Oh Metadata!


  • World Wide Web

20th Anniversary of the World Wide Web

World Wide Web: Wikipedia | Tim Berners-Lee | Web in Plain English



  • Web 2.0 ... The Machine is Us/ing Us

Other videos by Michael Wesch

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Week 3 - Internet and the World Wide Web (1)



  • Intro (5:33)
  • HTML (13:14) Block and Inline Elements, Naming Elements, Hierarchy of Tags, Absolute vs. Relative Links.
  • FTP & Permissions  (10:39) Upload / Download Files, Permissions for Types of Users & Access.
  • Demo Overview (7:10) Create & Upload Web Page.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex2-5 and the project site.


Note: Content of this LyndaCampus course has changed in a major and the earlier videos mentioned in Lec 1 - Intro are not available anymore.


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step




  • Castro + Hyslop: Ch 1-4 (note: link attached to chapter number for examples provided for each chapter)
  • Ch1: Web Page Building Blocks
  • Ch3: Basic HTML Structure
  • Ch4: Text


  • HTML - HTML Resources, Basics, Doctype, Encoding, Validation, View Source Code.
  • FTP - File Transfer Tools, File Permissions.
  • HTML = HyperText Markup Language
  • Encoding
  • Unicode
  • UFT-8: dominant character encoding for files, e-mail, web pages and software that manipulate textual data.

  • How to View Source Code in Browser
  • IE: Page > View Source
  • Firefox: Tools > Web Developer > Page Source
  • Safari: View > View Source
  • Chrome: Page > Developer > View Souce

  • FTP = File Transfer Protocol   and   Permissions
  • Permissions
  • Types of Permissions
  • Read : for being able to read the file/directory
  • Write : for being able to write in the file/directory
  • Execute : for being able to access the file/directory
  • Who are Permissions set for?
  • Owner : you
  • Group : group you belong to
  • Others : the rest of the world

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Week 4 - Internet and the World Wide Web (2) | Web Services



  • Intro (4:26)
  • HTML (15:06) Transition to HTML5, Key Rules, Doctype, Encoding, Tables, Links, Images.
  • (optional) XHTML (17:15) Doctype, Encoding, Links, Tables, Images, Styles and key HTML5 differences.
  • Ex2 Demo Overview (5:18)
  • Ex2 - HTML5 (2:40) How to transition from XHTML to HTML5.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex2-5 and the project site.



  • Step 1 (1:32) Download startPage.html from Step-by-Step files for Week 4 and using Save As to create "ex2_page1.html".
  • Step 2 (1:56) Create table.
  • Step 3 (1:52) Create additionals rows in table using copy and paste and then customize.
  • Step 4 (1:22) Create content such <h1>, <h2> and <p> tags.
  • Step 5 (5:00) Insert image and have text flow text flow to right of image.
  • Step 6 (1:34) Create navigation structure.
  • Step 7 (10:36) Create "You are here" indicator; Upload files; Why is Image not showing?; Next steps & reminders.
  • Validate (2:50) How to validate a page and interpret error messages.


  • Step 1: download startPage.html Step-by-Step files in HTML5 folder for Week 4 and using Save As to create "ex2_page1.html".
  • Step 2 (5:55) Create table, Create CSS rules for font, table properties.
  • Step 3 (1:50) Create additionals rows in table using copy and paste and then customize.
  • Steps 4 + 5 (1:36) Create content, Insert image - for detailed demo see XHTML Steps 4-5.
  • Steps 6 + 7 (3:05) Create navigation structure, Create "You are here" indicator - for demo how to upload files etc see XHTML Step 7.
  • Validate (1:42) How to validate a page and interpret error messages.


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  • Castro + Hyslop: Ch 5, 6, 17, 18
  • Ch5: Images
  • Ch6: Links
  • Ch17: Video, Audio, And Other Multimedia
  • Ch18: Tables


  • Encoding
  • Unicode
  • UFT-8: dominant character encoding for files, e-mail, web pages and software that manipulate textual data.
  • Hyperlink

More Videos: Google Analytics Channel on YouTube

Google Analytics: Site | Wikipedia | Blog | Support

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Week 5 - Cascading Style Sheets (1)



  • Intro (3:54)
  • HTML Elements (9:00) Hierarchy of Tags, Block and Inline Elements - div, id, class.
  • HTML5 (7:56) Overview of key new features in HTML5.
  • CSS (12:20) Why, What, Where, Location of CSS Style Definition, Structure of CSS Formatting Rule.
  • CSS3 (2:38) Overview of key new features in CSS3.
  • CSS Demo Overview (2:00)

Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex3-5 and in project site.


  • CSS Demo - XHTML (14:28) Create hierarchy of DIVs and assigin IDs; Specify CSS in the head of web page; Explore CSS Reference; Comment out code to see effect of specific CSS code.
  • CSS Demo - HTML5 (5:48) Show how to convert XHTML and/or DIVs into HTML5 tags and update related CSS rules.


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step



  • Castro + Hyslop: Ch 7, 8, 10
  • Ch7: CSS Building Blocks
  • Ch8: Working with Style Sheets
  • Ch10: Formatting Text with Styles


  • HTML Attributes
  • id used to specify unique id for element
  • class mostly used to point to CSS class; also used by JavaScript (via the HTML DOM)

  • CSS = Cascading Style Sheet

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Week 6 - Cascading Style Sheets (2) | Basic Web Design Principles | Testing & Debugging



Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex3-5 and in project site.


  • Exercise 3 Demo
  • Step 1 (6:35) Download files, Link to External CSS file; Comment out CSS "Clean Slate" code.
  • Step 2 (2:00) Create DIVs to control presentation.
  • Step 3 (1:00) Create HTML5 to describe semantics.
  • Step 4 (4:40) Add Floating Sidebar, Create <aside> element.
  • Step 5 (9:14) Ensure footer has nothing floating to its left and right; Add Floating Image in main content.
  • Step 6 (8:16) Embed YouTube Video / Screencast; Next Steps.


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step




  • Castro + Hyslop: Ch 9, 11, 15, 20
  • Ch9: Defining Selectors
  • Ch11: Layout with Styles
  • Ch15: Lists
  • Ch20: Testing and Debugging Web Pages


Slideshare presentation by Amit Tyagi

  • Debug: Easy Things to Check First
  • Be careful about typos.
  • Upload file in the correct location
  • Make sure spelling of URL = spelling of filename.
  • XHTML is case-sensitive.
  • CSS
  • Use colon (:) to separate your properties from value (color: red;).
  • Complete each property-value pair with semicolon (;)
  • No spaces between number and their units (16px).
  • Still Stuck, then check for typos and easy stuff first :)


  • Resources - CSS Navigation

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Week 7 - Dynamic Web | Programming Concepts | Basics of Web Programming (1)



  • Intro (5:14)
  • Dynamic Web (5:50) JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, Apache.
  • Programming (7:20) Basic Programming Concepts.
  • JavaScript (22:25) Basic Elements, Document Object Model, Image Rollovers.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex4, Ex5 and the project site.


  • JavaScript Demos
  • Hello World (4:48) Change Text and apply h2 tag; Add "+ Date()" to text being displayed; Add paragraph before and after where JavaScript is inserted
  • Detect Visitor's Browser: Examine JavaScript code to detect visitor's browser and display this information in the web page - part of JavaScript narrated lecture.
  • Image Rollover: how to create an image rollover effect using JavaScript - part of JavaScript narrated lecture.
  • JavaScript Essential Training (LyndaCampus): Syntax, DOM, UI, Best Practices, Libraries, HTML5.


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  • Castro + Hyslop: Ch 16, 19
  • Ch16: Forms
  • Ch19: Adding JavaScript


  • JavaScript     Client-side scripting language



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Week 8 - Forms in HTML | Basics of Web Programming (2)



Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex4 and the project site.


  • Ex4 Demo
  • Ex4 Demo - Overview (10:38) reviewing key aspects of Ex4 and what the key challenges are.
  • Ex4 Demo - Next Step 1 (5:05) Key validation tasks; Customize function to test that at least two checkboxes are selected.
  • Ex4 Demo - Next Step 2 (6:18) Create function to test that State field has two characters.
  • Ex4 Demo - Next Step 3 (6:58) Customize form; Remove field; Change field name & troubleshoot; Customize radio buttons.


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  • Castro v6: Ch 17
  • Ch17 chapter: Forms
  • Castro + Hyslop: Ch 16, 19
  • Ch16: Forms
  • Ch19: Adding JavaScript
  • Nixon: Preface and Ch 1, 11, 14
  • Preface
  • Ch1: Introduction to Dynamic Web Content
  • Ch11: Form Handling (complements what is covered in class)
  • Ch14: Exploring JavaScript (complements what is covered in class)


  • JavaScript     Client-side scripting language

JavaScriptTeacher Videos: Basics (shown above) | Variables | Input | Functions

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Week 9 - Databases (1)



Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex5 and the project site.


  • MySQL Demos
  • Studentweb Server & MySQL Password (5:32) How to create New Site in Filezilla to connect to studentweb server and locate "mysqlpassword.txt" file that contains the password for your MySQL database.
  • MySQL Workbench v6(2:05) How to create new connection or edit it and watch MySQL Workbench (12:56) How to create a new connection and then connect to your MySQL database on "studentweb" server; make sure Preferences are set correctly; how to create a table and add data; how to query a table.
  • Edit Table Data (1:52) How to delete row(s) from table in your MySQL database using MySQL Workbench.
  • Database Modeling: Optimization


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step



  • Nixon:
  • Ch8: Introduction to MySQL (read 8.1, 8.2, 8.4.2 ; scan: 8.3.3, 8.3.4)


  • MySQL    Open-Source Relational Database and SQL = Structured Query Language
  • Relational Database
  • Terminology
  • Record = a collection of related fields
  • Table = a collection of related records
  • Each record is one row in the table
  • Each field is one column in the table
  • Database = a collection of tables
  • Primary Key = field that uniquely identifies a record
  • Database Normalization


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Week 10 - Databases (2) & Server Side Scripting (1)



  • Intro (4:22)
  • PHP 1 (8:46) Introduction to PHP.
  • PHP 2 (19:58) Variable Naming Rules, Strings, Arrays, Operators, IF test, FOR loop.
  • studentweb Server (2:10) Using Filezilla to connect to studentWeb server and course folder.
  • PHP & MySQL (13:10) Using PHP to connect to MySQL database and extract data.
  • Credentials Management (1:18) Username and password credentials to use in MySQL Workbench, SFTP, PHP.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex5 and the project site.


  • PHP Demos
  • Download PHP step-by-step files (3:12) How to download PHP step-by-step files for Weeks 10 and 11 by selecting .txt file and then saving it as a .php to the local computer.
  • Customize Filezilla (2:16) so that you are directly dropped into the folder with your username in the YourCourseFolder on the studentweb server.
  • login_yourname.php (4:36) How to specify MySQL username & password in PHP file; Upload to server and set permissions; Test in Browser and View Source to notice that the PHP code is not visible.
  • Step 1 (4:36) require_once; Interpret error message; mysql_connect; mysql_select_db.
  • Step 2 (3:14) Formulate SQL query, send to MySQL database and receive result table; Introduce intentional spelling mistake to practice how to troubleshoot; Test file in Browser.
  • Step 3 (3:52) Use FOR loop to display result table; Use MySQL Workbench to make sure correct field names are used.
  • Step 4: (4:16) Use mysql_fetch_row to make code more efficient; Use MySQL Workbench to determine the correct numercial index for specific fields in result table.
  • PHP with MySQL Essential Training (LyndaCampus): First Steps, Data Types, Control Structures, Functions, Debugging, Web Pages, MySQL Basics.


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  • Nixon: Ch 3-6 and 10
  • Ch3: Introduction to PHP
  • Ch4: Expressions and Control Flow in PHP (read up to and including 4.4.4.)
  • Ch5: PHP Functions and Objects (read up to and including 5.3.)
  • Ch6: PHP Arrays (read up to and including 6.2.; remaining sections are there for reference)
  • Ch10: Accessing MySQL Using PHP
  • 10.1: how to access & display data in MySQL database using PHP.
  • 10.2: how to add & delete data form MySQL database using a form and PHP.
  • 10.3: practical example that we will try to emulate in part.


  • PHP     Server-side scripting language


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Week 11 - Databases (3) & Server Side Scripting (2)



  • Intro (7:12)
  • Credentials Management Recap (3:09) Recap of username and password credentials to use in MySQL Workbench, SFTP, PHP; URL to use to access studentweb pages.
  • PHP & MySQL Recap (6:20) Recap of steps needed to use PHP to connect to MySQL database and extract data, Overview of Ex5 steps and steps covered in Week 10.
  • Ex5 Demo Overview (18:38)
  • Ex5 Form Using HTML5 (1:20) How to use HTML5 Form Validation in Form with radio buttons.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Ex5 and the project site.


  • Exercise 5 Demo
  • Download PHP step-by-step files (3:12) How to download PHP step-by-step files for Weeks 10 and 11 by selecting .txt file and then saving it as a .php to the local computer.
  • Customize Filezilla (2:16) so that you are directly dropped into the folder with your username in the YourCourseFolder on the studentweb server.
  • login_yourname.php (4:36) How to specify MySQL username & password in PHP file; Upload to server and set permissions; Test in Browser and View Source to notice that the PHP code is not visible.
  • Steps 1-4 covered in Week 10 Demos.
  • Step 5 (1:48) Discuss form with radio buttons and JavaScript validation functions and how to extend to be able to collect feedback for 10 tools.
  • Step5_HTML5 (3:37) Convert to XHTML Step 5 page to HTML5 and how to use HTML5 Form validation.
  • Step 6 (2:46) Discuss PHP code to display $_POST and the displayPostArray function.
  • Step 7 (7:48) Create "tools" table in MySQL database using MySQL Workbench; discuss how to extend CREATE TABLE query
  • Step 8 (5:54) Discuss PHP code needed to connect to MySQL database; Use isset function to make sure values in $_POST are defined; Cleanse data using mysql_fix_string function; Create SQL query to insert form data in "tools" table in MySQL database; Use MySQL Workbench to check that data got inserted into "tools" table.
  • Step 9 (1:20) Discuss PHP code needed to display contents of "tools" MySQL table.
  • Step 10 (5:35) Discuss how to incorporate CSS & HTML in PHP code; Show how to compute up-to-date average score for each tool by using SQL query that returns sum of scores for each tool; Show how to comment out code; Test PHP page on server.
  • Step 10 HTML5 (5:00) Convert Step10 form and showResults pages to HTML5 and use HTML5 Form validation; Test in browser and use MySQL Workbench to test what is written into "tools" table.


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step



  • Nixon: Ch 17 and Appendix B & D
  • Ch17: JavaScript and PHP Validation and Error Handling
    Contains JavaScript validation functions used (in part) in Exercises 4 & 5 and shows how to include them in PHP code.
  • Appendix B: Online Resources
  • Appendix D: MySQL Functions


  • Process of using MySQL with PHP:
  • Step 1: Connect to MySQL
  • Step 2: Select database to use
  • Step 3: Create query string
    $query = "SELECT * FROM tablename";
  • Step 4: Perform query
    $result = mysql_query($query);
  • Step 5: Retrieve results and output it to a web page
  • $rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
  • $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
  • Repeat Steps 3 to 5 until all desired data retrieved.
  • CSS with PHP
  • Define CSS class in style tag inside of head tag (or external CSS file)
  • Need to escape \ the quotation marks used to refer to id or class names inside of PHP
    echo '<div class=\'resultStyle\'>';
  • Remember to have closing tag </div>
  • Troubleshooting Tips - watch out for:
  • Spelling Errors
  • Filename Errors
  • Missing Closing " or ) or }
  • Missing ;
  • Missing Permissions
  • Saved in Wrong Location on Server
  • Check Easy Things First

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Week 12 - Recap of Key Concepts for Web Programming, Databases and Server Side Scripting



  • Intro (2:10)
  • Recap of Key Concepts for Web Programming, JavaScript, MySQL & PHP
  • HTML (15:06) Transition to HTML5, Key Rules, Doctype, Encoding, Tables, Links, Images.
  • HTML Elements (9:00) Hierarchy of Tags, Block and Inline Elements - div, id, class.
  • CSS (12:20) Why, What, Where, Location of CSS Style Definition, Structure of CSS Formatting Rule.
  • CSS Cascade (17:40) Inheritance, Specificity & Location Cascade, Constructing Complex Selectors.
  • Box Model (4:08) Box Model: width, height, padding, border, margin, box-sizing, overflow.
  • Floating & Positioning Elements (7:22) Floating Element, Absolutely Positioned Element, CSS properties: float, clear, position, display.
  • CSS Reset (2:26) "Clean Slate" CSS, Make HTML5 Backwards Compatible, HTML5 shiv.
  • JavaScript (22:25) Basic Elements, Document Object Model, Image Rollovers.
  • PHP (19:58) Variable Naming Rules, Strings, Arrays, Operators, IF test, FOR loop.
  • Credentials Management Recap (3:09) Recap of username and password credentials to use in MySQL Workbench, SFTP, PHP; URL to use to access studentweb pages.
  • PHP & MySQL Recap (6:20) Recap of steps needed to use PHP to connect to MySQL database and extract data, Overview of Ex5 steps and steps covered in Week 10.
  • Test & Debug (5:45) Easy Things to Check First.


  • Project Demo
  • Step 0 (1:02) Collect needed Ex3, Ex4 and Ex5 pages and external CSS files, images etc.
  • Step 1 (4:54) Use Ex3 pages as starting point; Create Primary Navigation: Home | Info Tech | Interest | About.
  • Step 2 (2:58) Create Info Tech - Intro, Interests - Intro and About pages.
  • Step 3a (2:54) Info Tech page: Create Secondary Navigation.
  • Step 3b (8:45) Create Info Tech page: Open-Source tool + Validated Form = Ex4; Disable HTML5 built-in validation and use JavaScript.
  • Step 3c (8:15) Create Info Tech pages: InfoTech + Form to PHP and PHP Results = Ex5.
  • Step 4 (2:38) Create "you are here" indicator for Info Tech - Results page.
  • Step 5 (4:56) Upload Project and Test in Browser.


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step

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Week 13 - Evaluating Software Systems and Tools



  • Intro (3:55)
  • Working on Exercises and Project.
  • Optional Demos: Open-source Blogging and Content Management Systems (CMS).





Download: Handout



Tim O’Reilly's "Open Source and Open Data in the Age of the Cloud" presentation on SlideShare.

  • Slide 64 = Who Owns What
  • Slide 68 = Facebook & Open Source
  • Slide 69 = Google & Open Source


  • Mashups and API = Application Programming Interface

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Week 14 - How 550 connects to other MLIS courses



  • Intro (1:40)
  • MLIS Courses (15:30) Digital Libraries courses, Metadata, Databases, Information Retrieval, Multimedia Production,
    Information Visualization, Interface Design.
  • Working on Exercises and Project.


Download: Handout


  • Digital Libraries: 553 | Site
  • Understanding Library Systems and Software Applications: 552
  • Digital Library Technology: 558
  • Metadata for the Information Professional: 524
  • Database Design and Management: 557
  • Interface Design: 512 | Site
  • Information Retrieval: 551
  • Information Visualization: 554 | Site
  • Multimedia Production: 555 | Site

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Week 15 - Course Review | Student Projects




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