
Dance Swirl

Requirements for Information Visualization [17:610:554]

Short Reports - 20%

Group Topic Review - 20%

Group Evaluation of InfoVis Tool - 20%

Term Project - 40%

Short Reports (20%)

 •  "Modern Information Retrieval - Chapter 10: User Interfaces and Visualization"
by Marti Hearst.

 •  Key Papers available electronically - see Schedule.

Group Topic Review (20%)


Evaluation of InfoVis Tool (20%)

Conduct Heuristic Evaluation of TBA using Nielsen's 10 Heuristics and provided template. Write short report (4-5 pages) that identifies usability issues and suggests improvements.

Term Project and Presentation (40%)

 •  Review and analyze existing visualization tools.


 •  Evaluate Information Visualization tool: conduct a user study to evaluate a visualization tool.


 •  Create Information Visualization prototype: creating or enhancing a visualization tool.


Proposal Deadline = Week 8 . Send instructor email with proposal.


Term Project Report Deadline = Week 15 .


Grading of Project

 •  Quality of actual project (60%).

 •  Class presentation (20%).

 •  Quality of write-up of results (20%).