Information Visualization - Resources for Vision to Think Papers

Space I | Space II | Interaction | Focus+Context |Document | Infosphere | Vision to Think

  Space I Papers Follow-on Related  

"Graphics and Graphs Information Processing"
by J.Bertin

images | software


"Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information"
by J.D.Mackinlay

images | software


"Worlds within Worlds: Metaphors for Exploring n-Dimensional Virtual Worlds"
by S.Feiner and C.Beshers

images | software


"Multidimensional Detective"
by A.Inselberg

images | software

  Space II Papers Follow-on Related  

"VisDB: Database Exploration Using Multidimensional Visualization"
by D.A.Keim and H.P.Kriegel

images | software

 VisDB site    

"InfoCrystal: A Visual Tool for Information Retrieval"
by A.Spoerri

images | demo

Ph.D. Thesis

"Treemaps: A Space-Filling Approach to the Visualization of Hierarchical Information Systems"
by B.Johnson and B.Shneiderman

images | demo

"Ordered and Quantum Treemaps"
by B.Bederson et al.

Treemap site


"Visualizing Network Data"
by R.A.Becker, S.G.Eick and A.R.Wilks

images | software

  "Visualizing the Global Topology of the Mbone"
by T. Munzner et al.
  Interaction Papers Follow-on Related  

"Dynamic Queries for Visual Information Seeking"
by B.Shneiderman

images | software

Dynamic Queries & Starfields     

"Visual Information Seeking: Tight Coupling of Dynamic Query Filters with Starfield Displays"
by C.Ahlberg and B.Shneiderman

images | demo | software

Dynamic Queries & Starfields    

"Enhanced Dynamic Queries via Moveable Filters"
by K.Fishkin and M.C.Stone

images | software


"LifefLines: Visualizing Personal Histories"
by C.Plaisant, B.Milash, A.Rose, S. Widoff and B.Shneiderman

images | demo

LifeLines site    

"SDM: Selective Dynamic and Selective Visualizations"
by M.Chuah, S.Roth, J.Mattis and j.Kolojejchick

images | software


"WebPath - a Three-dimensional Web History"
by E.Frecon and G.Smith


images | software

  Focus+Context Papers Follow-on Related  

"The FISHEYE View: A New Look at Structured Files"
by G.W.Furnas

images | software


"The Table Lens: Merging Graphical and Symbolic Representations in an Interactive Focus + Context Visualization for Tabular Data"
by R.Rao and S.K.Card

images | demo | software


"Extending Distortion Viewing from 2D to 3D"
by M.S.T Carpandale, D.J. Cowperthwaite and F.D. Facchia

images | software


"The Hyperbolic Browser: A Focus + Context Technique for Visualizing Large Hierarchies"
by J.Lamping and R.Rao

images | demo | software


"Graphical Fisheye Views of Graphs"
by M.Sarkar and M.H.Brown

images | software


"Animated Exploration of Graphs with Radial Layout"
by K.Yee, D.Fisher, R.Dhamija and M.Hearst


images | software

"gnutellavision: Real Time Visualization
of a Peer to Peer Network
by Rachna Dhamija

  Document Visualization Papers Follow-on Related  

"Automatic Analysis, Theme Generation and Summarization of Machine Readable Text"
by G.Salton, J.Allan, C.Buckley and A.Singhal

images | software


"SeeSoft A Tool for Visualizing Line Oriented Software Statistics"
by S.G.Eick, J.L.Steffen and E.E.Sumner, Jr.

images | software


"Visualization for the Document Space"
by X.Lin

images | software

 Xia Lin Home Page  WEBSOM  

"Visualizing the Non Visual: Spatial Analysis and Interaction with Information from Text Documents"
by J.A.Wise, J.J.Thomas, K.Pennock, L.Lantrip, M.Potter, A.Schur and V.Crow

images | software

 ThemeView info PNNL Research Group  

"Galaxy of News: An Approach to Visualizing andUnderstanding Expansive News Landscapes"
by E.Rennison

images | software


Visual Thesaurus
by Plum Design
and Classic Version



"TileBars: Visualization of Term Distribution Information
in Full Text Information Access"
by M.Hearst


images | demo

TileBar site

  Infosphere Papers Follow-on Related  

"Visualizing Cyberspace: Information Visualization in the Harmony Internet Browser"
by K.Andrews

images | software

Harmony site

Amadeus site


"Information Visualization Using 3D Interactive Animation"
by G.G.Robertson, S.K.Card and J.D.Mackinlay

images | software

Xerox Parc UI site    

"Pad++: A Zooming Graphical Interface for Exploring Alternate Interface Physics"
by B.B.Bederson and J.D.Hollan

images | tour | demo1 | demo2 | software

Pad++ site    

"The WebBook and the Web Forager: An Information Workspace for the World-Wide-Web"
by S.K.Card, G.G.Robertson and W.York

images | software | video

Xerox Parc UI site    

"The Document Lens"
by G.G.Robertson and J.D.Mackinlay

images | software

Xerox Parc UI site    

"Chat Circles"
by F.Viegas and Judith S. Donath

images | software | guide

Chat Circle site Judith Donath website  
  Vision to Think Papers Follow-on Related  

"The Cost-of-Knowledge Characteristic Function: Display Evaluation for Direct-Walk Dynamic Information Visualizations"
by S.K.Card, P.Pirolli and J.D.Mackinlay

images | software

Xerox Parc UI site    

"Effective View Navigation"
by G.W.Furnas

images | software


"Table Lens as a Tool for Making Sense of Data"
by P.Pirolli and R.Rao

images | demo


"Characterizing Interactive Externalizations" by L.Tweedie

images | software

Externalising Abstract Mathematical Models