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Lectures for Multimedia Production

Week 1 - Setting the Stage




The expectation is not that you have listened to all these videos by the end of Week 1 and that you are able to do what is covered. This LyndaCampus course has been included in Week 1 since it covers in two hours how to create your first website using Dreamweaver CS6 and you may enjoy to have seen the whole process in Week 1.

Iin future weeks, specific topics mentioned here will be covered in much more depth.

How to Use (LyndaCampus)


Download: Handout


Creating a First Web Site with Dreamweaver CS6: Exercise Files and video: Using Exercise Files



Web Design Fundamentals with James Williamson

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Week 2 - Planning | Web Design



Exercises: content covered will be used in all the exercises and project.


  • Dreamweaver  Define Site, NetID & Eden server account and Permissions

Videos Demos:

Dreamweaver CS6

Dreamweaver CC


Download: Handout






  • HTML - HTML Resources, Basics, Doctype, Encoding, Validation, View Source Code.
  • FTP - File Transfer Tools, File Permissions.
  • HTML = HyperText Markup Language
  • Encoding
  • Unicode
  • UFT-8: dominant character encoding for files, e-mail, web pages and software that manipulate textual data.

  • How to View Source Code in Browser
  • IE: Page > View Source
  • Firefox: Tools > Web Developer > Page Source
  • Safari: View > View Source
  • Chrome: Page > Developer > View Souce

  • FTP = File Transfer Protocol   and   Permissions
  • Permissions
  • Types of Permissions
  • Read : for being able to read the file/directory
  • Write : for being able to write in the file/directory
  • Execute : for being able to access the file/directory
  • Who are Permissions set for?
  • Owner : you
  • Group : group you belong to
  • Others : the rest of the world



Other Courses:

  • MLIS 550 Lecture: HTML (18:02) Block and Inline Elements, Naming Elements, Hierarchy of Tags, Absolute vs. Relative Links (use index to navigate to topic of interest).
  • Demo (using NotePad++): Create Web Page (9:54) shows you how to create a simple web page, using NotePad++ (a simpler tool than Dreamweaver, but it is free), and how to preview the local page in the Browser.
  • Demo (using Filezilla): Upload Web Page (15:08) how to upload a web page to public_html folder on the server, set permissions, navigate to page in Browser, and refine site definition.

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Week 3 - Graphic Design | Layout & Grid System



  • Intro (6:02)
  • Meaning
  • Web Design Principles (27:42) Graphic Design, Grid System, Typography.
  • Web Design Summary (5:06) User Behavior, Design Implications, Design Specifics, Web Design Matrix.
  • COLORS (1:46) Grid Layouts Examples.
  • Mechanics
  • CSS (11:44) Cascade, External & Internal Style Sheets, Selectors, Predesigned CSS Layouts in DW.
  • Ex1 Overview (2:44)
  • CSS Navigation (7:34) How to Create Navigation Bar using Lists and CSS.
  • HTML5 & CSS3 (10:40) Overview.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 1 due in Week 4 and Exercise 2 due in Week 6.


Videos Demos - Ex1 Demo Steps

  • Ex1 Overview (2:44)
  • Step 1 (5:08) Set up Local / Remote Site in CS5/6/CC (5:08)
  • Overview of Steps 2-4a in CC (16:35)
    CC users
    : Predefined CSS Layout to use.
    Step 2
    (4:30) Select Predefined CSS Layout in CS5; Review CSS code; Change Split View layout.
  • Step 3 (3:20) Good Housekeeping: Rulers & Grid; Title Page, Page Properties.
  • Step 4 (0:53) Selecting DIVs in CS5 and how to select footer using Tags Bar.
  • Step 4a (14:00) Customize CSS, Create CSS Classes & Navigation Structure.
  • Step 4b (17:46) Create CSS code for Navigation LVFHA; Validate Markup & Check Browser Compatibility; Export CSS into Linked External CSS file.
    How to Validate Markup in CS5 (1:40)
  • Step 4c (5:46) Create Navigation Hyperlink; Create Files for All Categories & "You are Here" Indicator.
  • Step 5 (1:19) Create & Format Text.
  • Step 6 (4:29) Capture, Edit Screenshot in Fireworks; Insert Image in Dreamweaver.
  • Step 7 (5:39) Upload Files to Remote Site and Setting Permissions (use 755).

Videos Demos - CSS Navigation Using Lists

  • Demo (using NotePad++): CSS Navigation (7:54) Use unordered list <u>, list items <li> and CSS rules to create interactive navigation bar with "you are here" indicator.

Site Navigation with CSS in Dreamweaver with Joseph Lowery (LyndaCampus)

  • Coding an HTML5 Site: Grouping Content

Illustrator for Web Design with Justin Seeley (LyndaCampus)


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step






  • Design - Graphic Design, Typography, Web Design, Color Design.
  • CSS - Cascading Style Sheet Resources.
  • Advanced CSS - Inheritance, Specificity & Location Cascade, Constructing Complex Selectors, Box Model, Floating Element, Navigation.
  • HTML5 & CSS3

  • Debug: Easy Things to Check First
  • Be careful about typos.
  • Upload file in the correct location.
  • Make sure spelling of URL = spelling of filename.
  • XHTML is case-sensitive.
  • CSS
  • Use colon (:) to separate your properties from value (color: red;).
  • Complete each property-value pair with semicolon (;)
  • No spaces between number and their units (16px).
  • Still Stuck, then check for typos and easy stuff first :)
  • CSS = Cascading Style Sheet

SlideShare presentation by Russ Weakley


  • LyndaCampus: Principles of Interface Structure | CSS Fundamentals.
  • Other Courses: MLIS 550 - XHTML Recap, CSS, Cascade and Demos.


Other Courses:

  • MLIS 550 Lecture: HTML Elements Recap (9:42) Hierarchy of Tags, Block and Inline Elements - div, id, class.
  • MLIS 550 Lecture: CSS (12:20) Why, What, Where, Location of CSS Style Definition, Structure of CSS Formatting Rule.
  • Demo (using NotePad++): CSS Demo (14:30) Create hierarchy of DIVs and assigin IDs; Specify CSS in the head of web page; Explore CSS Reference; Comment out code to see effect of specific CSS code.
  • MLIS 550 Lecture: CSS Cascade (26:16) Inheritance, Specificity & Location Cascade, Constructing Complex Selectors, Box Model, Floating Element, Absolutely Positioned Element.
  • Demos (using NotePad++):
  • Step 1 (4:47) Create external CSS file; Add CSS "Clean Slate" code and comment it out.
  • Step 2 (1:50) Add Sidebar that floats on the right.
  • Step 3 (2:16) Ensure footer has nothing floating to its left and right; Add Floating Image on the left.
  • Step 4 (4:20) Embed YouTube Video / Screencast; Make CSS "Clean Code" active by removing to comments to see its effect.

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Week 4 - Graphic Design | Web Design Recap



  • Intro (3:58)
  • Meaning
  • Overview (4:12) Topics, Exercise 2.
  • Web Design Recap (10:06) Web Design Recap, Web Design Matrix, Writing for the Web.
  • Mechanics
  • Check First (7:00) Easy Things to Check First When Troubleshooting Web Pages.
  • AP Elements (17:40) DIVs and Linear "Natural Flow", Box Model, AP (Absolutely Positioned) Elements, DW Demo Steps.
  • Web Design Templates (9:44) Types of Templates, Fixed or Liquid Three Columns Layouts, Sample Template with Image Rollovers.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 3 due in Week 8.


  • Dreamweaver  Absolutely Positioned Elements = AP Elements

Videos Demos: for CS6

  • Step1: Using Tracing Image to Place AP Elements (12:04)
  • Step2a: Create Nested AP Elements and Insert Images (6:51)
  • Step2b: Use Copy, Deselect and Paste to create AP Elements with text (4:54)
  • Step2c: Create Disjointed Rollover by Attaching "Show-Hide Elements" Behavior to Images (7:17)
  • Step3: How to Incorporate AP Element in "Elastic" (Liquid) Layout (6:24)

Videos Demos: for CC

  • Step2: Create Nested AP Elements using DW Creative Cloud (13:48)
  • Dreamweaver  Web Design Templates - XHTML & CSS Templates

Videos Demos:



Download: Handout | Step-by-Step






  • Test & Debug - What to Check First when Debugging Web pages.
  • CSS Recap - Box Model, Floating Element, AP Element, Inheritance, Specificity & Location Cascade.
  • Debug: Easy Things to Check First
  • Be careful about typos.
  • Upload file in the correct location.
  • Make sure spelling of URL = spelling of filename.
  • XHTML is case-sensitive.
  • CSS
  • Use colon (:) to separate your properties from value (color: red;).
  • Complete each property-value pair with semicolon (;)
  • No spaces between number and their units (16px).
  • Still Stuck, then check for typos and easy stuff first :)


  • LyndaCampus: Wireframing | Kuler & Color Themes | Enhancing Page Design.
  • Other Courses: MLIS 550 - Test & Debug, CSS Cascade and Demos.



Other Courses:

  • MLIS 550 Lecture: Test & Debug (5:45) Easy Things to Check First.
  • MLIS 550 Lecture: CSS Cascade (26:16) Inheritance, Specificity & Location Cascade, Constructing Complex Selectors, Box Model, Floating Element, Absolutely Positioned Element.
  • Demos (using NotePad++):
  • Step 1 (4:47) Create external CSS file; Add CSS "Clean Slate" code and comment it out.
  • Step 2 (1:50) Add Sidebar that floats on the right.
  • Step 3 (2:16) Ensure footer has nothing floating to its left and right; Add Floating Image on the left.
  • Step 4 (4:20) Embed YouTube Video / Screencast; Make CSS "Clean Code" active by removing to comments to see its effect.

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Week 5 - Graphic Design | Visual Storytelling



Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 3 due in Week 8.


Videos Demos:

  • Step0: Insert Image and Set Transparency; Text Mask Effect (2:24)
  • Step1: Resize Image & Export; Image Preview Dialog; Crop Image & Export (8:27)
  • Step2: Trace Outline with Polygon Lasso Tool; Hard / Feathered Edge; Layers Panel (7:58)
  • Step3: Create Text and Attach to Path (3:38)
  • Step4: Create Animated GIF (5:25)
  • Related Videos for CS6

Videos Demos:




Download: Handout | Step-by-Step




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Week 6 - Interaction Design - Basic



Exercises: content covered can be used in Exercise 3 due in Week 8.


Videos Demos:

  • Step0: Insert Image and Set Transparency; Text Mask Effect in Fireworks (2:24)
  • Step1: Create Layout and Nested AP Elements; Insert Table in AP Element; Insert & Name Images (7:58)
  • Step2: Create Simple and Disjointed Rollovers (14:25)
  • Step3: Create Imagemap and Behavior triggered by Mouse Click (7:05)

Videos Demos: for CC

  • Step2: Create Nested AP Elements using DW Creative Cloud (13:48)


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step




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Week 7 - Navigation Design - Basic



Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 4 due in Week 10.


Videos Demos: some of the demos will be re-recorded

  • Step1: Create Primary Navigation using Image Rollovers and Customize to create "you are here" indicator in Dreamweaver CS5 (7:50)
  • Step2: Create and Modify Image Rollover in Navigation Structure in Dreamweaver CS4+ (5:27)
  • Step3a: Create Images for Different States of Navigation Categories in Fireworks (14:56)
  • Step3b: Export Image for "UP", "Over", "DOWN" and "Over DOWN"; Set Export Area to Have Uniform Margins in Fireworks (8:28)
  • Internal and External Navigation


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step






  • Resources - CSS Navigation

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Week 8 - Animation & Video Design



Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 5 due in Week 12.


Download: Handout




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Week 9 - Animation Design - Basic



  • Intro (1:45)
  • Mechanics
  • Flash Intro (18:44) Timeline, Layers, Tools, Symbol, Keyframe.
  • Flash Tweens (8:28) Tweened Animations: Motion Tween, Classic Tween, Shape Tween; FL Demo Steps.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 5 due in Week 12.


  • Flash  Intro, Tweened Animations, Fades
Videos Demos: using CS4 and steps are same in CS4+ and CC
  • Step0: Quick Tour of Workspace and Panels; New File = ActionScript 2.0 (or 3.0 in CC); Settings; Rulers & Guides (5:05)
  • Step1: Object Drawing Mode versus Merged Drawing Mode; Change Circle Shape; Create Shape Tween (8:52)
  • Step2a: Create Shape Tween; Create Motion Tween using Text and Free Transform Tool (5:56)
  • Step2b: Break Apart Work into Individual Letters; Distribute Letters to Different Layers to be able Animate them Individually using Motion Tweens (3:20)
  • Step2c: Break Apart Text Twice to be Morph Text using Shape Tween (3:20)
  • Step3a: Import Bitmap; Convert to Symbol; Motion Tween; Create Properties Keyframes; Free Transform Tool; Create Fade-in (9:30)
  • Step3b: Multi-part Animation; Insert Blank Keyframe; Paste in Place; Motion Tween; Edit Motion Path; Insert / Remove Frames; Test Movie (7:24)
  • Step4a: Create Classic Tween to Animate and Fade Bitmap (5:19)
  • Step4b: Create Classic Motion Guide to Control Classic Tween (4:16)
  • Step4c: Create Moving Mask Effect (4:02)


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step






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Week 10 - Animation Design - Advanced



  • Intro (3:10)
  • Mechanics
  • Flash Recap (10:28) Recap: Timeline, Layers, Tools, Keyframes, Tweened Animations, Text, Symbols & Instances.
  • Flash Symbols & Buttons (9:54) Library, Symbol & Instances, Buttons, Gradient Tool, Simple ActionScript 2.0, Embed Flash Movie (SWF) in Web Page; FL Demo Steps.
  • Multi-Part Animation Demo (5:38) Overview.

Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 5 due in Week 12.


  • Flash  Button, Multi-Part Animation, Emded in Web Page
Videos Demos: using CS4 and steps are same in CS4+ and CC, except some ActionScript is different in CC
  • Create Simple Text Button in Flash:
  • Step1a: Insert Button Symbol; Create Shape and Text for "Up" State; Use Gradient Transform Tool; Insert Keyframes in "Over", "Down" and "Hit" States (10:58)
  • Step1b: Customize "Over", "Down" and "Hit" States; Edit Gradient using Colors Panel; Simple Button Enabled (5:52)
  • Create Animated Button in Flash and Insert in Web Page:
  • Step2a: Insert Image; Create Graphic Symbol; Scale Image Precisely (3:50)
  • Step2b: Insert MovieClip Symbol; Fade-In and Scale Instance of Graphic Symbol in MovieClip using Classic Tween (4:05)
  • Step2c: Insert Button Symbol; Create Text for "Up", "Over" and "Down"; Create Layer for Image and Place Instance of Image Animation in "Over" (5:22)
  • Step2d: Insert Static Image in "Down" and Make Sure that Animation in "Over" and Image in "Down" are Perfectly Placed (4:54)
  • Step2e: Attach ActionScript 2.0 (or 3.0) "stop ();" to Last Frame in Animation; Specify "Hit" Area in Button (4:35)
  • Step3: Attach ActionScript 2.0 "on (release) { getURL(URLstring, "_self"); } to Instance of Button; Fix ActionScript and Update SWF file (7:18)
  • Step3 CC: Click on Button Instance to Go to Web Page using ActionScript 3.0 (3:26)
  • Step4: Insert SWF file into Dreamweaver file; JavaScript files to be uploaded (7:00)
  • Create Multi-Part Animation
  • Step1: Animation Overview; Examine Library, Layers, Classic Tweens and Actionscript 2.0 used in Multi-part Animation (9:52)
  • Step1 CC: ActionScript 3.0 used in Multi-part Animation (6:38)
  • Step2: Move Image onto Stage, Pause and then Move & Fade Image Away using Classic Tween (5:00)
  • Step3: How to Move Keyframe; Insert or Remove Frames so that Related Layers Remain in Sync (5:46)
  • Insert Flash Animation in Web Page
  • Step4: Insert SWF file into Dreamweaver file; JavaScript files to be uploaded (7:00)



Download:  Handout | Step-by-Step





  • Flash  Animated Navigation Structure & Build Site in Flash     Handout

Animated Navigation Structure

  • Big Picture and "Russian Doll" Way of Creating Flash Web Site, Animated Navigation Structure, Duplicate & Customize Scenes
    (using Flash 8 and same in CS4+, but not CC).
  • Animated Navigation Demo (8:46) Overview.

Demos - Step-by-Step

  • Step0: Big Picture and "Russian Doll" Way of Creating Flash Web Site (11:07)
  • Step1: Setting Up FLA file; Layers; Explore Library (7:22)
  • Step2: Create Animations; Attach "stop ();" Actionscript to Last Frame (5:42)
  • Step3: Create Animated Buttons, Hit Area, Test Movie (10:48)
  • Step4: Duplicate "Up" Button to Create "Down" Button and Customize (4:13)
  • Step5and6: Attach Actionscript to Button Instances; "gotoAndStop" Actionscript (5:14)
  • Step7: Duplicate and Customize Scenes (6:36)

Flash Site and ActionScript 2.0:

  • Build Site in Flash, Scenes, ActionScript 2.0, Define Function, Use ActionScript to create MovieClip that behaves like a "Button", Create "Disjointed Rollover" using Actionscript 2.0
    (using Flash 8 and same in CS4+,
    but not CC).
  • Actionscript 2.0 (9:14) Intro to Actionscript 2.0.
  • Flash Site Demo (11:52) Overview.

Demos - Step-by-Step

  • Step0: Overview; How to Use Actionscript 2.0 to Create "Up", "Over", "Down" Effect for MovieClip (2:50)
  • Step1: Create Global "changeVisuals" Function (5:37)
  • Step2: Use Actionscript 2.0 to Create MovieClip that behaves like a "Button" (13:24)
  • Step3: Label Frame; Duplicate Content at Specific Frame; Create "You Are Here" Indicator using Actionscript 2.0 (8:57)
  • Step4: Create "Disjointed Rollover" using Actionscript 2.0; Use "_parent" to control specific Timeline (10:07)

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Week 11 - Video Editing - Basic



Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 5 due in Week 12.


Videos Demos:

Videos Demos (cont.):


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step






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Week 12 - Video Editing - Advanced



Exercises: content covered will be used in Exercise 5 due in Week 12.


Videos Demos:

Videos Demos:


Download: Handout | Step-by-Step








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Week 13 - Extras - Responsive Design



  • Working on Project
  • Optional: Responsive Design with Dreamweaver CS6



Download: N/A


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Week 14 - Course Review | Evaluation Criteria



  • Meaning
  • Intro (5:07) Course Review, Evaluation Criteria for Project.


Download: Handout

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Week 15 - Virtual Project Presentations