
Swirling Dancer

Web Site Evaluation






Evaluation - Audience

Who is the site for? Who are the intended users?

What do users want to accomplish?

What are the needed skills? Good fit with skills of intended users?

What tasks are users trying to accomplish?

Evaluation - Task

Support tasks users need to accomplish?

Support both experienced and inexperienced users?

User expectations meet?

Evaluation - Navigation

What site is this? (Site ID)

What page am I on? (Page name)

What are the major sections of this site? (Sections - tabs)

What are my options at this level? (Local navigation)

Where I am? ("You are here" indicators or breadcrumbs)
Can you easily find your way? back home? other sections?

How can I search?

Evaluation - Functionality

Instantly understand what the site is about?

Understand what you can do there?

"Look & feel" entice you to stay and explore?

Main functions easily accessible? Easy to use?

Links clear where they will take you?

Instant visual hierarchy? Or visually too busy?

Text easy to read?

Graphics easy to understand?

Large site has a site map, index or search function?

Help available and useful?

Download times reasonable?



Krug, S. - "Don't Make Me Think!"

Head, A. - "Design Wise."

Williams, R. & Tollett, J. - "The Non-Designer's Web Book."