Summary | Audience | Task | Navigation | Functionality

Web Site Evaluation - Amazon - Summary

Amazon is a very well-designed site for buying or exploring books, DVDs and other consumer items.
Both novices and experienced shoppers will find the site useful.
It is easy for users to find their way: the top row contains the first and second level navigation
to make it easy to go "back home" or to jump to other sections. Major categories are broken into
meaningful sub-categories. Once a specific item has been selected, specialized search paths are
suggested to find similar items.
Amazon offers also multiple ways to search for an item: direct search, search-by-category,
search-by-recommendation, search-by-association based on expressed interests or current history.
Users can read reviews from other users and links to related items are provided.
Pages have a clear visual hierarchy. The text is easy to read.
Graphics are sparingly used and load quickly.
The most common functions are easily found. A history of items explored is available.
Amazon offers a richness of information without overwhelming users.

Evaluation - Audience

Evaluation - Task

Evaluation - Navigation

Evaluation - Functionality