Summary | Audience | Task | Navigation | Functionality

Web Site Evaluation - Amazon - Navigation




What site is this? (Site ID)

Very first item in the left-top corner.


What page am I on? (Page name)

"Graphic Design" and "Graphic Design Spotlight" - use of color-coding to make them stand out below the navigation top-line.


What are the major sections of this site? (Sections - tabs)

Tab interface - easy to read and interpret - textual labels describe clearly where the links will lead the user.


What are my options at this level? (Local navigation)

Left-hand column. Simple and easy to use because it lists in alphabetical order sub-categories.
The center column also offers "shortcuts" to special offers or thematically related items.


Where I am? ("You are here" indicators or breadcrumbs)

Clearly marked - "books" tab highlighted and "Graphic Design" displayed in green.
Breadcrumbs are shown, providing an easy way to backtrack.


Can you easily find your way? back home? other sections?

How can I search?

It is easy for users to finds their way:

1.      The top row contains the first and second level navigation to make it easy to go "back home" or to jump to other sections.

2.      Local navigation offers sub-categories.

3.      Once a specific item has been selected, specialized search paths are suggested to find similar items.


Amazon - Specialized search paths



The search function is context sensitive and supports both inexperienced and experienced users.