Personal Connection

Anna Calla

I chose this topic for my website because of the personal connection I have to Alzheimer’s. My grandmother, who was a significant part of my life, began to show signs of dementia in 1996 and was officially diagnosed with the disease in 1997. She lived with the disease for 13 and a half years and passed away in July 2010.

The goal of this project is to give you a better understanding of Alzheimer’s, while also taking you through the experience my family and grandmother had after she was diagnosed and came to live in our home.

One of the biggest things I learned through all of this is that Alzheimer’s is more than just a disease. It is a thief of precious memories and of the time you could have spent together. It slowly takes away the person you love and will change your life forever. Yet, even in that time of pain, there are moments of joy and laughter. Even though this was a difficult experience for my family and me to go through, I believe that it made us stronger, more compassionate and better equipped to handle life’s difficulties.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my site. I hope you enjoy it and learn something new.