
Explore historical worlds...

Librarians in universities, public libraries, and museums all work to preserve and share parts of history. Librarians determine the best, most interesting and informative books and films to have in a collections, and these books and films can transport you to other times. In addition to curating collections available for check-out, librarians help to create exhibits and programs. Look at some of the exciting work that such libraries have done in preserving and sharing this history.

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Library of Congress

Take a look at the American Memory Project, a digital library created by the Library of Congress, which includes a huge variety of materials including news articles, photos, and audio recordings.

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Libraries work with museums, museums maintain their own libraries, and libraries put on their own exhibitions of books or artwork or objects. Librarians are constantly developing exiting exhibits and digital initiatives. Have a look at some of those programs.

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The British Library

The British Library offers an exciting online program, Turning the Pages, which allows viewers to view and turn the pages of gorgeous ancient texts, including Mozart's diary and an Ethiopian Bible.