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Check out my book collection and some fantastic blogs and articles about books on the genre.

Forever Young Adult: This is one of my favorite blogs on the genre

Love YA Lit: Another interesting blog on the genre

Tales of Shelby Bach: The blog of an up-and-coming youth author

The Kid's Books Are All Right: This article from the New York Times discusses the adult fixation on young adult literature.

Arielle's bookshelf: most recent

MockingjaySpecialsPrettiesUgliesThe Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. CrumbThe Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ

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Arielle's bookshelf: average rating

MockingjaySpecialsPrettiesUgliesThe Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. CrumbThe Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ

More of Ardigiacomo's books »
Ardigiacomo's  book recommendations, reviews, quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists