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Answers to your questions.

Any time. Any place.

The Library Success Wiki provides a comprehensive listing of all libraries that offer VRS, in any incarnation. Check it out!

IM Reference

It's not a reference desk. In fact, it's your desk. But as ALA guidelines indicate, virtual reference librarians dedicate themselves to users' information needs as they would in any brick-and-mortar library. They prove that quality can go hand in hand with the speed and convenience of VRS.

Reference in real-time, like chat and SMS services, offers instant responses, direct links to reference sites and catalog items, and a transaction for later reference. Asynchronous e-mail reference gives users the chance to explain their reference queries in full.

Both, however, emphasize the integration of exceptional customer service and reputable reference sources.

Users choose how to engage the librarian, based on their distance to a library, their technological capabilities, and the format with which they are most familiar.

No matter what kind of VR service they select, users work with the librarian to build a relationship online, reducing the anxiety and the potential wait time of a face-to-face interaction.


Where can you go for help 24/7?

Q and A NJ | Library of Congress | IPL's Ask a Librarian


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virtual reference
See Also
digital reading