The All-Time Newest Library Technologies

Library Text

Text a librarian?

Text messaging has become an important tool for the community, and now libraries are making available text messaging reference services to provide mobile patrons answers to simple questions. There's even technology that allows the patron's cell phone number to remain private.

Media Mobile

The MIT MediaMobile

Lewis Music Library at MIT will soon debut its new MediaMobile, a moveable cart that can travel across campus to highlight the MIT Libraries’ many online media materials. It has a large monitor and audio speakers to demo streaming audio and video products, full-text books, music scores, images, bibliographic databases, etc.

The Library Express

Hugo, Minnesota has an innovative library branch inspired by the generation. Called the Library Express, the "library" is a stack of metal lockers outside city hall. Patrons order books or films online, then pick them up from a digitally locked, glove-compartment- sized cubby a few days later.