School Librarians of the 21st Century
"Building partnerships for learning..."

Media Centers connect

to information materials
and resources


Books, books, books -
Are they still our most important information source?

School library media specialists must be savvy about technology -
hardware and software, teaching students and staff computer use and access to resources like the online catalog, Internet skills, databases use, word processing, and presentation programs like PowerPoint...
PLUS, basic website design.


Library Media Centers connect students to:
Online catalogs ...
School networks....
Internet access
Libraries have both changed and remained the same over the 23 centuries since the first library was established. Will this century's emphasis on technology and ever more efficient access to information, change our perspective on the importance of books as primary sources of information?

Will the websites of today
be the books of tomorrow?

Local Resources
within the media center:

Books: fiction, nonfiction, biography, reference
Periodicals: magazines, journals, newspapers
Multimedia: databases, CD's, videos, tapes,
Technology: computers, iBooks, TV/VCRs, cameras,
Community Resources   Global Resources:
WWW sites
Reference Portals
Internet Communications
Libraries ......... .Corporations Institutions ....Individuals