School Librarians of the 21st Century
"Building partnerships for learning..."

Information Literacy

Information literate students
and use information
are independent learners and
contribute to the learning community.

Knowing when to seek information beyond personal knowledge, how to frame questions that will lead to appropriate information, where and how to search for information.

Evaluation: Determining accuracy, relevance and comprehensiveness; distinguishing facts, opinions, points of view; analyzing information to determine applicability.

Use and Production: Organizing information, integrating new information, applying information in problem solving and critical thinking; producing and communicating information in appropriate formats.

Responsibility: Respecting intellectual freedom and property rights; correctly citing sources and avoiding plagairism; seeking appropriate approvals for use of text and images.

Information condensed from Information Power: Nine Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning The site contains the Nine Information Literacy Standards put forth by the
American Libraries Association.