Statement of Purpose

My professional goal is to follow the efforts of visual resource professionals in the development, establishment and understanding of the convergence between two traditionally disparate points of departure: Art & Technology as they relate to library and information science for the purpose of academic research. The disciplines of Art and Technology have until recently occupied opposing conceptual platforms in terms of research and development. That professionals representing the two have eternally butted heads over their own importance is true. However, when both work cooperatively, they inevitably fall in love, complement each other, and magic happens. In the field of Visual Resources, one cannot exist without the other.

It is essential that VR specialists understand the complexities of the information needs and goals of the several groups that comprise their user community-the art historians, artists, computing professionals, administration and students. The skills of the VR Librarian must transverse professions to encompass the realm of the archival, the historical and the technological.

My goal as a visual resources librarian is to continue playing cupid to both, devoting my efforts to the advancement of knowledge, research, and education in the field of visual information resources as it applies to the academic sector. The primary agenda for this VR specialist is to provide academic support to communities comprised of students, artists and professional art historians.

Go to Resources page to view links to online resources for visual resource professionals.