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LIS Courses
This site created by
Linda M. Piscione.

Who wants to be a
Media Specialist
in the 21st Century?

LIS Courses

Required courses in the media specialist track:
Information Technologies for Libraries and Information Agencies
Human Information Behavior
Principles of Searching
Materials for Children
Reference Sources & Services
Materials for Young Adults
Cataloging and Classification
Multimedia Production
Information, Media and the Curriculum
Educational Media Center Management
Field Experience
Focus on Practical Application

All of the above courses are excellent preparation for the job, but there is really no substitute for hands-on experience. I did my Field Experience at the award-winning Instructional Media Center (IMC) at Hunterdon Central Regional High School. Here I practiced teaching information skills, collaborated with other teachers on projects, designed reading promotions, guided students through the research and information seeking process, and assisted with the daily library operations.

In conjunction with my field experience, I took Educational Media Center Management. This course required an in-depth assessment of the community, facility, and program at the target school, and the development of a long-range action plan for the media center regarding the facility, collection, staffing, and funding. I learned a great deal about the nuts and bolts of managing an effective library media program.