This site created by
Linda M. Piscione.

Who wants to be a
Media Specialist
in the 21st Century?


A critical aspect of the school librarian's job is to assist teachers in finding instructional resources. To do this, you need to be aware of what everyone in your school is teaching. Attend department meetings and ask teachers about upcoming units. A well-trained Media Specialist should have expertise in searching the Web -- there is certainly no lack of resources there. Here are just a few sites:
Curriculum and Instruction Resources
HotLinks to Learning (from AASL)
Links to other web sites focusing on programs, standards, issues, and studies dealing with instructional improvement in schools.
a hands-on tutorial for integrating the Internet into the curriculum
a framework for incorporating primary sources into all phases of instruction -- from the Library of Congress
Lesson Plans
the Gateway (to Educational Resources)
A searchable database that links directly to lesson plans, curriculum units and other education resources on the Internet
Blue Web'n -- an online library consisting of Web-based tutorial, activities, and projects, hotlists, reference tools and other resources for all subject areas
Index to Lesson Plan Sites -- from the Internet School Library Media Center (ISLMC)
AskERIC Lesson Plans -- over 2000 lesson plans arranged by subject
The Awesome Library -- over 19,000 carefully reviewed resources, including many lesson plans