559 WebProg Course Site

Web Programming [17:610:559]

On-campus and Online

Course Description

This course gives students with a hands-on introduction to the key Web Programming concepts, technologies and software tools used to create web applications. Building on their knowledge of HTML, CSS and basic programming principles, students will learn how to use front- and back-end frameworks to create single page applications that transfer data to and from a database. Students will learn how to use code editors, workflow, version control and repository hosting tools to effectively develop and debug code and to efficiently manage the development process.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn to Code using Key Web Programming Concepts, Structures and Processes
  • Understand what constitutes Full Stack development and its related front- and back-end concepts and tools.
  • Develop code using JavaScript and ECMAScript 6 that makes advanced use of functions, loops, event control, array processing and DOM manipulation.
  • Create templates, modules and components using front-end frameworks.
  • Use code editors and workflow tools to effectively develop and debug code.
  • Employ version control systems, such as Git, to manage source code changes and use and share code on repository hosting services, such as GitHub.
  • Know how to Use Key Code Libraries and Front- and Back-End Frameworks
  • Create responsive page layouts using front-end frameworks, such as Bootstrap.js and its grid system and components.
  • Become familiar with Model View Controller (MVC) design-patterns, two-way data binding and how to create templates, modules and services.
  • Implement single page application using front-end frameworks, such as React.js.
  • Design single page application using a back-end framework, such as Node.js, to exchange data with a database.
  • Connect to Databases and Data Sources
  • Implement NoSQL database, such as MongoDB, that works within a back-end framework, such as Node.js.
  • Learn to Use Online Documentation, Forums and Code created by Others
  • Debug code by using online documentation and forums.
  • Interact with other developers online to troubleshoot code and interact with local developers by joining a MeetUp.