554 InfoVis Course Site

Week 1 - Introduction


  • Intro (2:42) Course Website, Week 1 content.
  • Course Overview (11:33) Course Goals & Approach, Gameplan, Schedule.
  • Your Guide (2:18) and Your Guide 2 (5:14) InfoVis relevant content.
  • InfoVis - Intro (14:54) Goals and Key Design Principles of InfoVis, Abstract vs. Spatial Data, Examples.

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Week 2 - Human Visual Perception and Tufte's Design Principles


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iPod Ads: Shape-from-Contour & Cause/Effect

iPod Ads: add Shape-from-Shading

iPod Ads: soften Contrast Effects

Microsoft Machine Learning & Data Science Summit 2016 Keynote

Minard's Graph recreated in Excel with BeGraphic Add-in

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Week 3 - InfoVis Principles & Classics



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Jeffrey Heer: A Brief History of Data Visualization


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Week 4 - Data Visualization + Visual DataStory Principles



  • Vis 1 = Motion Chart using Tableau - Due Week 5
  • Vis 1 - Motion Chart (15:20) Intro to creating an effective Motion Chart = Scatterplot + Color & Size Coding + Time Animation
    (i.e. not using Google's Motion Chart in Vis 1)
  • Vis 1 Requirements
  • (Optional) Vis 1 = DataVis Programming using D3.js - Due Week 5
  • Vis 1 - D3.js (3:06)

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  • Data Analysis

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

TED: Debunking Third-World Myths

  • Tableau - Business Intelligence Software

Tableau allows users to connect to data in a few clicks, then visualize and create interactive, sharable dashboards with a few more. It's easy enough that any Excel user can learn it, but powerful enough to satisfy even the most complex analytical problems.

  • D3.js - Data-Driven Documents

D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.

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Week 5 - Infographics + NYTimes Visual DataStories

Amanda Cox @NYTgraphics on Data Visualization (2012)

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Week 6 - Map Visualization


  • Intro (2:20)
  • Map Visualization:
  • MapVis - Part 1 (16:02) Definitions, How to Data in Maps, 2016 US Election Maps.
  • MapVis - Part 2 (12:30) US Elections Shifts over Time, Intensity / Choropleth maps, Cartograms.
  • MapVis - Part 3 (8:40) Census Data as Dot Density maps, Special map designs, Map DataStory Principles.
  • Previous: MapVis (2:47) Cartograms, Crimespotting SF tool.
  • Visual DataStory Principles - Maps (3:06) Maps and their DataStory possibilities.


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Week 7 - Interactive Data Visualization



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Week 8 - Immersive Visualization

Week 9 - AI + Machine Learning Visualization


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  • Intro: Deep Learning and High-Dimenional Spaces.
  • Key Approaches: AI + Machine Learning Visualization.

Visualization as Lingua Franca in Machine Learning - Fernanda Viegas

Visualization for Machine Learning (NeurIPS 2018 Tutorial) - Fernanda Viegas and Martin Wattenberg

Machine Learning Meets Visualization - Michael Sedlmair

  • Facets : visualizations for machine learning datasets
  • Understanding your data is critical to building a powerful machine learning system.
  • Fairness in Machine Learning : understand issues around fairness and machine learning.
  • Machine Translation : visualizing hints that a translation network learns an “interlingua”, or universal language.

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Week 10 - Search + Text Visualization


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Search Visualization

Text Visualization

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Week 11 - Network Visualization


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Week 12 - Advanced Visual DataStories


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Week 14 - Course Review


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Week 15 - Term Project Presentations

Completion and Virtual Presentation of Projects

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