
Dance Swirl

Requirements for Multimedia Production [17:610:555]

Online and Campus

Instructor Anselm Spoerri -


Exercises - 50%

Term Project - 50%


Ÿ     Adobe Creative Suite 3: Standard Web Edition: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, etc.
(Educational Price $399 - other sites or Rutgers may have better price)
- Try using CITRIX@ Rutgers to access software for free
- Make use of free 30 Day trial
- Adobe Studio 8 is okay to use

Exercises (50%)

Ÿ     Please email the instructor - the URL of a finished exercise.

Ÿ     Online Students: Exercises are due at Noon on the Monday of the Week noted on the course schedule.
Campus Students: Exercises are due on the Tuesday 6pm of the Week noted on the course schedule.

Ÿ     Late exercises will not be accepted (no exceptions). It is your responsibility to make sure that the instructor has received your exercise on the due date.

Ÿ     Exercises can be resubmitted by addressing Feedback Receiced to Improve Score (provided you submitted the exercise on time and made a valiant effort).

Term Project (50%)

Ÿ     Create a website that communicates your vision of "Why be a Librarian in the 21st Century?"

Ÿ     Build a cool site you can use as your calling card in your job search.

Ÿ     Demonstrate your technology and media savvy - use text, images, animations effectively.

Ÿ     Demonstrate your understanding of lecture materials and class discussions.

Ÿ     The site needs to include at least 12 - 15 separate pages that are designed for easy scanning.

Ÿ     Evaluation criteria

1.      Mechanics (50%) - technical competency in web and multimedia design: navigation, layout, animations, access performance.

2.      Meaning (30%) - concise presentation of content and effective use of multimedia.

3.      Creativity (20%)

(Keep in mind these three criteria are interrelated).



Ÿ     Week 6  - Exercise 2 - Create a draft of your site in outline form.

Ÿ     Week 15 - Complete term project (online | campus).
Late projects will not be accepted.