
Term Projects
Information Visualization [17:610:554]

Review & Analyze  or  How to Guide

Usability Evaluation


Group DataStory

Screencast - Brief Overview of Possible Term Projects

Review & Analyze Project

Specify Data Domain to be visualized.
Define Tasks to be supported by information visualization tools.
Research state-of-art approaches. Identify 3 to 5 distinct "clusters" of tools to highlight & analyze.
Explain which features you used to distinguish between the different "clusters."
Select the "best" or "most representative" tool for each "cluster."
Provide Analysis and apply "InfoVis Toolbox" for each selected tool.
Think of yourself as "information visualization tools curator"
and provide your personal analysis and "point of view" of what matters.

Class Presentation
Create set of slides to showcase the 3 to 5 distinct approaches you have identified.
Provide visual examples of the tools presented.

Create Report
20 to 25 pages, written as a standard paper.
Include an appendix that lists and groups 20 to 30 relevant tools / papers
you found into the 3 to 5 "clusters" you identified.
Provide an URL or clear reference for the relevant tools / papers you found.

Post slides and report online and submit URL via dropbox.

Financial Data Visualizations by Brian Sylvester: Paper | Powerpoint

How to Guide Project

Specify Data Domain to be visualized.
Describe Steps and InfoVis Tool(s) to be used to accomlish specific task(s).
Create Screencasts and/or Tutorial to enable others to visualize a specific data domain.

Class Presentation
Create set of slides that showcase the screencasts and/or tutorials you have created.
Provide demonstration of working example.

Create Report
20 to 25 pages, written as a standard paper.
Can consist of tutorial contents and sceenshots of screencasts.

Post report online and submit URL via dropbox.

Visualizing Data: A Tutorial by Angelo Rousos

Usability Evaluation Project

Review of Usability Testing.

Select an information visualization tool to evaluate.
Describe and motivate evaluation design
Conduct evaluation with 3 to 5 people.
Each evaluation session should last 30 to 45 minutes.
Explain if the subjects received any training and, if yes, what it consisted of.
Video Record each session - you can use a digital video camera or 30 day free trial of Camtasia that let's you record the screen as well as the built-in video camera.
Have each subject sign the Informed Consent Form and
collect Feedback & Suggestions after each session is completed.

Class Presentation
Create a set of slides that explain your usability design and your major findings.
Digitize TWO video clips of moments during the Usability Tests you want to share with the class.
Insert the two video clips on two separate slides.

Create Report
20 to 25 pages, written as a standard paper.
Describe major findings and suggestions.
Include an appendix with the signed Informed Consent forms.

Post report online and submit URL via dropbox.

TouchGraph Evaluation by Kelli Staley: Powerpoint | Report

Prototype Project

Powerpoint Tips and Presence Prototype example.

Motivate domain choice.
Perform task and need analysis.
Describe design approach and information visualization principles used.
Develop prototype.
Have an "domain expert" use the prototype and provide feedback.

Class Presentation
Create a set of slides that describe task analysis and your design approach.
Include URL of prototype.
Report on the "domain expert" feedback.

Create Report
20 to 25 pages, written as a standard paper.
Provide screenshots of prototype and explain design approach.
Include URL of prototype.

Post report online and submit URL via dropbox.

RESOURCE SHARING Interface by Peter Green
Visualizing Lynching Data by Cynthia Lovett

Group DataStory Project

Select data domain to be visualized and identify data sources to be aggregated.
Develop group strategy for how best to visualize data and develop DataStory.
Assign tasks to team members.
Create visualizations and DataStory.
Describe group approach and insights gained.

Class Presentation
Create a set of slides that capture the key elements of the developed DataStory, approach taken and insights gained.

Create Report
Create DataStory as a set of web pages with embedded visualizations and describe approach taken and insights gained.

Post DataStory online and submit URL via dropbox.

Visualizing 50 Years of Hit Songs by Shaun Ellis & Tom Engelhardt: Site
Media Coverage: Tableau Blog | DailySwarm | ChartPorn | NBC |