Summary | Audience | Task | Navigation | Functionality

Web Site Evaluation - Amazon - Audience


Who is the site for? Who are the intended users?

Users looking to buy or learn more about books, music, films, electronics etc.


What do users want to accomplish?

Users want to find a specific item, its availability and its price.
Users also want to educate themselves about a specific topic.
They also want to explore what kind of items are available and what other users think about these items.
In short, users want to buy or educate themselves about specific categories of consumer items.


What are the needed skills? Good fit with skills of intended users?

Users need to know specific information about the desired item.
The available search interface is a good fit for the (bits of) information users may know.
Also topical categories are provided to help users zoom in and find items related to their interest.
Users need to be able to navigate the site - either to narrow or broaden their search.
The site offers great and easy navigational support.


What tasks are users trying to accomplish?

These tasks need to be enabled:

1.      Searching for a specific or general item, i.e. a book by a specific author or a book dealing with a general topic.
Both inexperienced and experienced users need to be supported.
Narrowing or broadening of search interest, using either a listing of (sub)categories or a Boolean interface.
Amazon supports both inexperienced and experienced users.
It offers also multiple ways to search for an item: direct search, search-by-category,
search-by-recommendation, search-by-association based on expressed interests or current history.

2.      Community - users want to find out what others think about a specific item or
what other items people with similar interests have found of value.
Amazon makes it easy for users to write and read reviews.

3.      Shopping - a shopping cart is provided that is always accessible. Items can be easily added or deleted.