Managing to Survive the Great Recession

abig shout

Links and references at right, as well as the previously cited 2010 Pew Research Center study, "How the Great Recession has Changed Life in America" provide an excellent foundation for the basics including statistics of the Great Recession.
New Jersey residents shouldn't miss the interactive state map which displays demographics including income and unemployment rate by town.

More Resources:
A Tool Chest for Finding a New Career

Here are some links if you're:
thinking about a Career Change,
need help with Job Search Management,
or are interested in how others are Managing Unemployment.

Yahoo's Webby award winning series "Second Acts"
Forbes' "Planning for a Second Career"
and Forbes' "A Second Career on the Farm"
Bridgestar non profit jobs and board positions
Guidestar a non profit sector information site
US Federal Government official job site
the Sierra Club "Volunteer Vacations" ,
The Peace Corps website .