Ed Reilly

Proud to Be a Union Man


Union Man is a story about my father, Ed Reilly, and his 40-year blue-collar career. He won't say his life has been anything special, certainly nothing worthy of a memoir. But he will say that he's worked hard his whole life. He'll say he's stronger now than he used to be. And if he can just ride this last job out to retirement, well then he's won the game.

Telling His Story

A career is more than just nine to five. It shapes who we are, gives us a reason to wake up in the morning and a way to support the lives we want to lead.

My father's story goes like this:

  • Union Man is a two-part video about my father's life. From his early childhood ambitions, to a factory saturated in partying with the guys, to an oil port where an accident almost ended everything, my father's career has been one of perseverance, dedication, and loyalty.
  • The people we meet shape who we are. Union Men is an interactive soundboard focusing on the relationships he developed with men over the years.
  • Why does he get up and go to work every day? Union Benefits is a glimpse at why he works so hard to earn a wage.
  • In the News is a collection of news clippings and media resources that are referenced in the videos.