Who is this person? Where is this person?
Librarian 2.0 connects with 21st Century users on their terms through the latest technology and social networking. Patrons can now access, share and contribute to the library's information and resources in an online setting.

  • Pod (or video) casting - captures book talks, story hour and other programs for patrons to view online
  • Blogging - librarians and staff share information and reflections about books and ideas while getting feedback
  • IM – virtual reference provides real time online help
  • Wikis - allow users and librarians to actively create useful resources for others
  • Social networking sites - are used for posting events, photos, video and to connect with potential users
  • Second Life - has the potential to create complete virtual library settings

Helpful links:
ALA/Current Technologies
Peanutbutter Wiki
You Tube
Second Life