Light Bulb



Book Tunnel

Put these blogs in your rotation:

Read Roger | Walt at Random


It's no secret that librarians work to maintain your intellectual freedom, but now more than ever, they're voicing their opinions in a more personal way - thanks to the power of blogs.


Whether they're discussing their thoughts on censorship, or talking about the effect of new technology on librarianship work, they offer a sneak peek at the people behind the reference desk.


A behind-the-scenes look at daily library life means open, honest communication with readers: readers begin to understand how passionate librarians are about their profession.

It all leads to a community forum: librarians aren't posting and discussing these ideas only with each other. They allow you to leave a comment, share your opinion, and start a discussion with the librarian on duty!

Put these blogs in your rotation:

Abby the Librarian | Librarian by Day | ALSC Blog


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See Also