Michelle Obama
Winnie the Pooh
Lady Bird Johnson

It looks like any building

When you pass it on the street,

Made of stone and glass and marble,

Made of iron and concrete.


But once inside you can ride

A camel or a train,

Visit Rome, Siam, or Nome,

Feel a hurricane...


Excerpt from "The Library," by Barbara Huff.


Did you know? Studies show that libraries make a significant impact on reading abilities.

Librarians step up for an assist with storytime. With interactive, creative variations on reading, they hone literacy skills by preserving the link between plain old fun and the importance of books, at a crucial stage in early development.

Librarians treat reading as a social activity! Participation in storytime prepares children for their futures, and in sharing creative endeavors with their peers. It helps them associate the local librarian with a storyteller - someone who encourages them to dream big.
At the same time, librarians offer free access to our collections for both children and their parents. Families who attend storytime activities can continue developing literacy at home when libraries provide a wide range of related materials.


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