Exercises & Project for Web Programming

On-campus and Online

Discussions (7.5% of Course Grade)

Discussions will be conducted online, either using Sakai, because the online format leads to everybody contributing and better comprehension of the content. There will be two graded discussions and detailed instructions will be provided in the discussion introduction.

Quizzes (7.5% of Course Grade)

There will be six quizzes that are related to content to be learned to create the exercises and project.

The quizzes will be "open book" and due on Sunday and one week before the due date of the related exercise or project.

The five quizzes with highest scores will contribute to the quiz grade and each quiz will have a bonus question.

Quizzes will be accessible via the Sakai course site.

Exercise 1: HTML, CSS and JavaScript Basics – Style Web Page using CSS and Add Interactivity using JavaScript (7.5% of Course Grade)

Exercise 2: JavaScript Essentials – Control Appearance and Interactivity of Web Page using JavaScript (15% of Course Grade)

Exercise 3: Responsive Design using JavaScript Front-End Framework – Create Responsive Web Page using Bootstrap.js (12.5% of Course Grade)

Exercise 4: Design of Modular, Reusable User Interface Components using JavaScript Front-End Framework – Create Web Page Components using React.js (15% of Course Grade)

Exercise 5: Design Single Page Application using Back-End Framework to Exchange Data Create Single Page Application using JSON, Node.js and Express.js (15% of Course Grade)

Term Project: MEAN Stack Development – Create Web Application using Angular.js, Node.js and Expess.js to Connect to MongoDB Database (20% of Course Grade)