Requirements for Web Programming

On-campus and Online


Students are expected to have basic knowledge and/or familiarity with:


Optional: MEAN Web Development (2nd Edition) by Amos Q. Haviv - Order




You will be able to resubmit the individual exercises to improve your score based on the provided feedback. Because of this, the shown grading scale is used.
95 - 100 A
90 - 95 B+
85 - 90 B
80 - 85 C+
75 - 80 C

Discussions & Quizzes (15% of Course Grade)

There will be class discussions conducted online and several quizzes:

Individual Exercises (65% of Course Grade)

There will be five individual exercises that can be resubmitted based on the received feedback:

Term Project: MEAN Stack Development – Create Web Application using Angular.js, Node.js and Expess.js to Connect to MongoDB Database (20% of Course Grade)