
Anselm Spoerri (profile1)



Data Fusion | Meta Search

Information Visualization

Multimedia Interfaces & Retrieval

Computer Vision

Publications | Vita


 •  The Most Controversial Topics in Wikipedia: A Multilingual and Geographical Analysis.
Yasseri, T., Spoerri, A., Graham, M. and Kertesz, J. (2014). In Fichman P. and Hara N. (Eds.), Global Wikipedia: International and Cross-Cultural Issues in Online Collaboration. Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press Forthcoming
Screencast: Using searchCrystal to Visualize Wikipedia Edit Wars
Demo: searchCrystal Visualization of Wikipedoa Edit Wars
In the News - First Wave: Wired, Zeit Online, BBC Mundo, Live Science, Times of Israel, Toronto Star, Huffington Post, Gawker, AOL.com, NBC News, Fox News, Santiago Times, India.com, Malaysia Sun.
Second Wave: MIT Technology Review, Washington Post, CNN, BBC News, The Economist, Der Spiegel, Suedeutsche Zeitung, heise.de, Mashable, GigaOM, Gizmondo, Business Insider, BuzzFeed, The Dish, NBC News, NY Post, Smithsonian Magazine, The Independent, The Telegraph, PC Magazine, Newsy, ABC.es, ORF Digital.Leben.

 •  Visualizing the Overlap between the 100 Most Visited Pages on Wikipedia for September 2006 to January 2007. First Monday, Volume 12, Number 4 (April 2007).

 •  What is popular on Wikipedia and why? First Monday, Volume 12, Number 4 (April 2007).

Data Fusion | Meta Search

 •  Investigating how overlap structure between different search results can be mined to infer a document's probability of being relevant.

 •  Developing methods for estimating the retrieval effectiveness of multiple search systems without the need for human relevance judgments.

 •  Currently several papers are in press or being published.

Information Visualization


 •  Developed searchCrystal, a suite of tools, to support users in exploratory search and search analytics.

 •  Currently several papers have been published or are considered for publication.

 •  Implemented in Flash: demo of Top 100 Most Pages on Wikipedia for Sept 2006 to Jan 2007.


 •  Developed MetaCrystal to support users in the meta search process.

 •  Currently several papers have been published or are considered for publication.

   Finalist in the 2004 International Science & Engineering Visualization Challenge, jointly sponsored by the NSF and the journal Science.


 •  Invented and developed the InfoCrystal, a search interface that can be used as both a visualization tool and a visual query language to enable users to specify both Boolean and Vector Space queries graphically.

 •  Raised funds from the UBILAB, the R&D Lab of the United Bank of Switzerland, to fund this research.

 •  Published in several conference proceedings and as a MIT Ph.D. thesis.
Paper about InfoCrystal included in S. Card, J. Mackinlay & B. Shneiderman (Eds.), Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think, pp. 140 - 147. Morgan Kaufmann.

Novel Vehicle Guidance Display

 •  Invented user-centered vehicle navigation display and conducted user studies.

 •  Published in IEEE Vehicle Navigation & Information Systems ‘93 conference in Ottawa, Canada, October 1993.

Multimedia Interfaces & Retrieval


 •  Invented Souvenir, media moment bookmarking software with web publishing and email capabilities. Anyone can use their handwritten or typed notes to pinpoint specific moments in digital audio and video. Anyone can make digital media viral by sharing and emailing highly targeted media moments, wherever the media is stored.

 •  Souvenir was developed and funded by i-Recall Inc., which has been acquired by ActiveGroup.

 •  Currently several conference and journal articles in preparation.

Computer Vision

Motion Boundaries

 •  Demonstrated how object boundaries can be detected using only motion data at an early stage of visual processing. [Slides]

 •  Implemented the motion boundary detection algorithms on the Connection Machine, a massively parallel computer.

 •  Published (together with Shimon Ullman) as The Early Detection of Motion Boundaries at the First Int. Conf. on Computer Vision ‘87 in London, England. Research extended in Master’s Thesis, published as MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Technical Report 1275, February 1991.