
i-Recall Logo

i-Recall Inc.

Company | Mission | Drivers | Markets | Founders | Investors | Software


Founded in 1998 by Ph.D.s from MIT and Columbia, i-Recall enables people and enterprises to enrich their communications by making digital media easy to use and share.
i-Recall links notes to audio/video wherever it exists and extends it into the workflow.
i-Recall has developed proprietary software, called Souvenir, to enable media productivity, media publishing, knowledge management and e-commerce.
i-Recall's investors are Jay Chiat / ScreamingMedia and managing partners at Goldman Sachs.

i-Recall was acquired by ActiveGroup in 2001.


     To make digital audio and video as easy to use and share as text.

     To enrich communications by making what people hear and see easy to recall and use.

     To enable anyone to personalize digital media and to make streaming media viral.

Market Drivers

     Streaming media - over 115 million unique RealPlayer users have been registered. The active world market for streaming media is estimated by Vision Consultants to be 45 million, where 30 million or one-third of US Internet users now tune into Internet radio.

     Broadband - 50% of corporate America is currently estimated to have broadband access. 50% of US streaming media users are expected to have broadband access by 2002 either at home or in the office.

     Handheld computers and PDAs - Dataquest forecasts that the installed base will increase from 8.2 million in 1998 to 32.5 million in 2003.

     Distance Learning, Education and Enterprise Communication - The $700 billion education and training sector is undergoing dramatic change. IDC estimates that the number of students enrolled in distance learning will increase at a growth rate of 33% from 710,00 in 1998 to 2.23 million by 2002.


     Knowledge Workers: financial analysts, investor relations, lawyers, management consultants, market researchers, journalists.

     Training & Education: higher education, corporate & professional training, distance learning.

     Business Conferences: trade shows, professional associations, conference centers.

     Enterprise Communications: internal communications, marketing & sales, investor relations.

     Conferencing: meetings-at-a-distance, teleconferencing, web collaboration.

     Streaming Media Portals: corporate and consumer sites with media content libraries.

     Websites: with streaming audio and video content.


     Anselm Spoerri, Ph.D. has a 15-year track record as a researcher and entrepreneur. He is an award winning film producer and has a Ph.D. in Information Visualization from MIT.

     Nathaniel Polish, Ph.D. has a 15-year track record as a successful entrepreneur, product designer and manager of technical development. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Speech from Columbia University and is President of Daedalus Technology Group.

     Daniel Magill has been involved in the design, development and promotion of innovative software for the last 15 years. Mr. Magill holds a MPhil in Anthropology from Princeton University.


     Jay Chiat and Screaming Media Inc.
At Chiat/Day, Jay's brilliant campaign to introduce the Macintosh computer during the 1984 Super Bowl foretold that the personal computer would dramatically change civilization as we knew it. Jay is renowned for his uncanny ability to recognize the trajectory of culture, from America's living rooms to the Guggenheim at Bilbao. Recently inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame, 1990's Leader of the Decade is currently leading Screaming Media Inc. into the next century.

     Robin Neustein, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs & Co.
Ms. Neustein has been in many line and staff roles since joining the firm in 1982, including several years as the firm's chief of staff. She received her BA from Brown in 1975 and a JD/MBA from Northwestern in 1979. She is a Trustee of Brown University, Mt. Holyoke College, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and The American Ballet Theatre, and has been an angel investor in several high tech start-ups.

     Jacob Goldfield, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs & Co.