
Anselm Spoerri (Reichstag)



Anselm Spoerri, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

School of Communication, Information and Library Studies

Rutgers University





Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA

Ph.D. in Information Visualization - 1995

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA

M.Sc. in Brain & Cognitive Sciences - 1991

Bedford College – University of London - London, England

B.Sc. Honors in Mathematics - 1982


i-Recall Inc., New York City, NY

 •  CEO and Co-Founder of software start-up [1997 - 2001].

 •  Sold i-Recall to ActiveGroup in 2001.

AT&T Research, Murray Hill, NJ

 •  Strategy work addressing the future of corporate research, together with McKinsey and Global Business Network [1996 - 97].

AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL

 •  Researcher in Information Visualization and Internet Tools [1995].

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

 •  Ph.D. research in Information Visualization at Center for Educational Computing Initiatives [1991 – 94].

 •  Research assistant in Computational Vision at the Artificial Intelligence Lab [1985 - 87, 90] and the department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences [1983 - 85].

IMAGO Productions, Cambridge, MA

 •  Independent Filmmaker, Producer & Distributor [1987 - 90].


Handwritten Notes as a Visual Interface to Index, Edit and Publish Audio/Video Highlights [PDF]

 •  Book chapter in Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries - Its Past, Present, and Future, edited by K. Boerner and C. Chen. Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2002.

Souvenir: Making Audio/Video as Easy to Use as Text [PDF]

 •  Presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science in Philadelphia, October 2002.

Souvenir: Flexible Note-Tool to Pinpoint and Share Media Highlights [PDF]

 •  Software demonstration of Souvenir at the ACM SIG Information Retrieval conference in Tampere, August 2002; and at IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) in Lausanne, August 2002.

Souvenir: Flexible Note-Tool to Pinpoint and Share Media in Digital Libraries [PDF]

 •  Software demonstration of Souvenir at the Joint Conference for Digital Libraries in Portland, July 2002.

InfoCrystal: Integrating Exact and Partial Matching Approaches Through Visualization

 •  Presented at RIAO ’94 in New York City, October 1994

InfoCrystal: A Visual Tool for Information Retrieval [PDF]

 •  Presented at the IEEE Visualization ’93 conference in San Jose, October 1993; and at the ACM Information & Knowledge Management ’93 conference in Washington, DC, November 1993.

 •  Panel presentation in “Information Visualization: The Next Frontier” at the ACM SIGGRAPH ’94 conference in Orlando, July 1994.

 •  Demonstration of InfoCrystal software at the ACM Computer-Human Interaction ’94 conference in Boston, April 1994; and at the ACM SIG Information Retrieval conference in Seattle, July 1995.

 •  Selected for Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think, S. Card, J. Mackinlay and B. Shneiderman (Eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.

Novel Route Guidance Displays

 •  Presented at the IEEE Vehicle Navigation & Information Systems ‘93 conference in Ottawa, Canada, October 1993. Recipient of Third Prize in the Student Paper Competition.

Visual Tools for Information Retrieval

 •  Presented at the IEEE Visual Languages ‘93 symposium in Bergen, Norway, August 1993.

The Early Detection of Motion Boundaries  (co-author Shimon Ullman)

 •  Presented at the First Int. Conf. on Computer Vision ‘87 in London, England, June 1987.

 •  MIT Master’s Thesis, published as MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab Technical Report 1275, February 1991.