21st Century Librarian
Rutgers SCILS Building
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Personal Journey


Ever since I can remember, I have loved to read. My favorite books growing up were mystery novels: Nancy Drew, or any book where the girl was running away from a house, screaming.

Nancy solves another mystery! Help!  Help!  The house is haunted!
A great story - give it a chance! Ms. Latimer - Young and Naive


I also enjoyed reading the classics. Wuthering Heights is my all-time favorite book, and I also like - dare I admit it - Ethan Frome. After college I became a secondary-school English teacher.


Teaching English was great - but the money was not. Valuing food over idealism, I went to work for a computer corporation. Realizing my love of Ethan Frome wasn't helping them, Digital paid for my Master's degree in computer science.

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) Now what do I do again?
Christopher and Catherine Shhhh!  I always wanted to say that professionally!


After 13 years, Digital laid me off. In fact, they laid just about everybody off. I needed something to do, so I had twins. After years at home, I thought to myself, "What can a person who loves Ethan Frome and computers do with their time?" The rest, as they say, is history.