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Education / Skills


A Master's degree in Library Science (MLS) is required for positions in most public, academic, school, and special libraries. Many colleges and universities offer MLS programs, but employers often prefer graduates of the approximately 56 schools accredited by the American Library Association.

ALA accredited Rutgers University recently ranked 6th in a listing of the best graduate schools in the nation for library science. Additionally, two of their specialty programs were ranked number one: Services for Children and Youth and the School Library Media Program. For a more detailed look at Rutgers, click here.


Librarians require knowledge of a wide variety of scholarly and public information resources. They manage staff and develop and direct information programs and systems. An increasingly expanded view of libraries' traditional role calls for proficiency in the use and application of computer technologies.

Some MLS programs offer interdisciplinary degrees combining technical coursework in information science with traditional training in library science.