21st Century Librarian
Librarians Today
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Librarians Today
Who needs librarians? Not an unusual question these days. After all, what can they do? Articulate information needs, seek out and evaluate relevant results? Put order to chaos?

Sounds like something we could use. In fact, it has never been a more exciting time to be a librarian. Combining traditional skills with technological know-how, librarians have much to offer in this age of information overload.

Do you have excellent analytical, organizational, and communicative skills? Able to cope with a challenging environment?

Are you ready to be a 21st century librarian?




Web sites of interest:

American Library Association

American Society for Information Science and Technology

Librarians' Index to the Internet

Library and Information Science News

Library Spot

Internet Library for Librarians

Internet Scout

Check out some topics of interest to today's librarians through the ALA website: