Exercises & Group Project for Web Design

Quizzes (10% of Course Grade)

Short Assignment 1: XTHML – Create & Upload Simple Web Page (5% of Course Grade)

Exercise 1: XHTML / HTML5 & CSS – Create Website Evaluation (15% of Course Grade)

Group Competitive Site Analysis: Competitive Analysis – Analyze Site, Identify Sites to Emulate and Develop Wireframe of Revised Site (15% of Course Grade)

Exercise 2: Animated Navigation & Advanced CSS – Create Advanced Website (15% of Course Grade)

Short Assignment 2: PHP & MySQL – Create PHP Page to Display Contents of MySQL Database (5% of Course Grade)

Group Website: Dynamic Web – Create Dynamic Website using XHTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL (25% of Course Grade)

The term project brings together what has been covered in this course and what you have practiced in the exercises:

Group Project Analysis: Group Reflection & Feedback – Post-Mortem Paper & 360 Evaluation (10% of Course Grade)