
librarians :: a deep network

Librarian: 1. A scribe, copyist. Obs. 2.The keeper or custodian of a library.
[excerpted from OED Online]

From Zenodotus, in Alexandria, to the person sitting at your public library's reference desk, librarians have served varied roles with many titles.

Together, the librarians of the past and those working today form a deep network, quietly making information available from one generation to the next and one mind to the next.

A master's degree is necessary to be an "official" librarian. There are many schools that offer this degree, usually called a Masters in Library Science (MLS).

A graduate from library school may have any number of
job titles.

Librarians aren't slackers.
They have sound ethics.
They're not authoritarian.
And they're varied in talents and background.
To get a fuller picture, check out some librarians' blogs -- or talk to a live one!  
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